Subject: Re: Fw: HELP
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/09/1998 09:49:45
Though I sincerely believe someone has a problem here that needs global
attention, a technical and operating systems list is probably not the best
way to attract favourable international focus when you are describing
alleged atrocities committed by any group of people and basing their
identification on religion or race. I suggest you instead post to news
groups, interested freedom-fighting parties, and so on.

I sympathize with this plight; however, I am a lowly technician with
little or no salary and am practically unable to do a thing about it.

Reaching the NetBSD groups will do nothing to help your cause--again, it's
not an appropriate forum for international human rights violations

There are plenty of other places where I for one might read of these
alleged horrors, and plenty of other ways of reaching me. Try legitimate
North American news agencies.

Not only that, but I have no means by which to verify who you are. 
Indeed, for all I know, you are part of the group committing horrors and
wish to direct attention away from something else you are up to..  I
really don't have any way of knowing whether you are telling any sort of
grounded truth, nor do I have reasonable access to any facts or evidence
supporting your claims. 

As well, I am nonplussed by the propaganda-like writings on your website
mentioned below. Indeed, by painting such juvenile and shallow images of
"the good, ultra-pure, angelic victims" and the "horrible, dark, demonic,
evil perpetrators" you are insulting my intelligence and ringing tiny
bells of distrust within my centers of critical reasoning. This style of
World War II news release fosters nothing but emotional response--how can
rational evaluation take place when there is nothing but colourful
metaphor and rumour splattered over the entire website?

To those of you who would use these mailings lists as political
venues--DON'T. There are thousands of other far more effective and
long-reaching places to vent your idealisms. 

(An analysis of the differences between ethnic Chinese Indonesians and
pribumis Indonesians? Come ON...gee, I wonder why you didn't translate
THAT one to English..)

> >   I really hope you all can help me.
> >   PLEASE GO TO  -
> >   Just to know what is happening.
> >   Audra.