Subject: Re: vm_page_alloc_contig()
To: None <, tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/20/1998 11:03:34
At 10:54 AM 7/20/98 , 4Front Technologies wrote:
>I need to know if there's going to be a FreeBSD/BSDI compatible
>implementation of vm_page_alloc_contig()?. All I can find in
>NetBSD is vm_page_alloc_memory() which isn't the same.
>Any assistance or direct email contact with the VM developers would
>be much appreciated.

This is handled through the bus_dmamem abstractions.

1) alloc a one segment's amount of memory via bus_dmamem_alloc.
2) Use bus_dmamem_map to map it.