Subject: Re: FreeBSD Bus DMA
To: None <>
From: John S. Dyson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/12/1998 01:15:46
Perry E. Metzger said:
> "John S. Dyson" writes:
> > Perry E. Metzger said:
> > >
> > > Actually, you never qualified it as such.
> > > 
> > If that is true, that I was in the wrong, however if I am
> > right, then I'll demand yet another apology.
> > > 
> > > FASTER.
> > >
> > Nope, I compile exactly the same code, for the same target NetBSD
> > platform, the only difference is running freebsd emulation of
> > NetBSD for compiling the platform.
> So, in other words, my assertion was correct -- you have claimed that
> FreeBSD compiles code three times faster than NetBSD does.
How can you make that conclusion?  It does compile our code 3X
faster, but does that mean that it is always 3X faster?  I NEVER
said that, and you keep on implying that is what I said. 

> You called me a liar for saying that this was your claim.
> Could you explain exactly *how* I lied when you more or less are
> claiming what I said you claimed?
In our environment, the compiles are 3X (roughly) faster.  Given
smaller trees, a lack of a make depend for cache loading, etc, it
is very hard to generalize to what you claim that I said.

You are making assertions about what I am saying that are very
easy to disprove.  I am not making such assertions, because the
lie would be just as bad as what you are perpetrating.

In order to solve problems, it requires the ability to distinguish.
At best, there is an extreme inability here to be able to distinguish
between a generality and a specific circumstance (a YMMV type thing.)

I cannot imagine a programmer not being able to distinguish, so I
can only assume that the quotes are lies.

John                  | Never try to teach a pig to sing,     | it just makes you look stupid,         | and it irritates the pig.