Subject: Real vfork() (was: third results)
To: Ty Sarna <>
From: None <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/05/1998 12:13:44
On 05-Apr-98 Ty Sarna wrote:

> If you want to do it as a learning experience, that's one thing. If you
> expect it to be easier or "less distracting" than doing an OS upgrade, I
> think you're deluding yourself.

Not as a learning experience per se, but to do a test with good understanding.

A hassle is less distracting when it concerns the central point of what you're
trying to achieve.

I don't think I'm deluding myself about the upgrade.  However, I may have been
a tad over-optimistic as to the ease of back-porting __vfork14() into 1.2.  I
will grant you that point.

Meanwhile, if you want a real distraction....

The place under me needs new flooring after getting flooded out a while back,
and some guy was down there Friday tearing the place up royal.  He took the
weekend off with the hot water shut off, without bothering to tell me about it.
I have a key to the tank closet, but when I open the valve water spurts out of
the wall in the torn-up bathroom down there.  Since the problem started with
that place getting flooded out, it doesn't seem like a good plan for me to use
any hot water.

"All of this, and that too...."

--Jim Howard  <>

Date: 05-Apr-98
Time: 12:13:44

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