Subject: Re: PPS signals and all that jazz
To: None <tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/27/1998 07:40:41
I would like to both apologize to Charles and to retract my previous

A couple of people have pointed out, via email, that the text

>I propose that _in general_, we ignore Charles' obections, despite
>being a Core Group member, since 
>a) he clearly doesnt know what he's talking about here

seems like I'm saying we should ignore Charles Hannum altogether.

That was not my intent at all, the wording was inexcusably ambiguous,
i apologize for it without reservation , and I retract it.
I'm very sorry for it.

All i meant was that I was going to ignore Charles's input on the
specific subject of NTP and improved timekeeping, in contexts outside
NetbSD's com.c driver.  Which, as I understood it, was the sole scope
of Charles' message with the above subject line.

The rest I will rephrase after I have had a chance to cool off and
also to let the situation calm down a little.