Subject: Re: bi-endian ffs available
To: Brian Buhrow <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/04/1998 18:15:28
On Mar 4, Brian Buhrow wrote
> 	Doesn't fsck write the metadata in the native filesystem format where
> "native" is defined as the current format of the existing filesystem?  That
> is, if I take a big NDN filesystem from a Sparc, plug it into an I386, run
> fsck, I expect it to make corrections in big NDN format so that I can just
> stick it back on the Sparc fully fixed and functional.  Is this not how you
> intend it to work or did I mis-understand something you said??

You mis-understud :)
It works that way, unless you give it the '-s' flag (-s for swap), then
it will convert it to the other byte order. So you can take a filesystem
from a sparc and convert it for i386, either on the sparc or i386.
fsck invocked without the -s will leave the filesystem in its byte order.

> 	I assume it's still faster to run ffs in the native ndn format?

I didn't run any benchmarck yet. I'm not sure the difference will
be sensible on my i386 cyrix 133Mhz, but it may on my Sparc IPC,

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI. 