Subject: Re: HSM deisgn goals was: RE: HSM implementation proposal
To: Paul Evans <>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/05/1997 19:54:15
[Try to wrap those lines at <80 columns, please Paul!]

> There are two functional issues we're dealing with:
> 	1. Security -- we want ACL's

Well, let's say some of us want ACL's, anyway.

> 	2.  File assocations -- we want be be able to exexute "file.gif" and
>	see it, or maybe "cd " into file.tar as a directory. 

*Is* that what we want? Is there a reason to build it into the kernel
instead of handling it at the application level?

> 	2.  Enhanced userland utilites are viable.  (an "ls" option to show
>	new file details)

Actually, in my acl scheme, ls doesn't even need to change.

In addition to your design goals mentioned, I'd include:

8.  Try to do things in keeping with the Unix spirit, for consistency
if nothing else.

> 	6.  VMS/NT regisrty files for both advanced file security and NDS
>	(down the road)

In my best Andy Sipowitz voice: "Anyone dat mentions da NT registry as
a solution for anyting, dat's gonna get yew smacked."