Subject: IOCTL RTFM problem
To: None <tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/05/1997 22:21:27
Let's say I see
ioctl(s, SIOCFOOBAR, &somecutestruct)
in some code.
How do I RTFM on this?
grep in /usr/share/man ?
In this case, the specific one is SIOCGIFMTU, and grep turns up
I have to grep in /usr/src/sys/net to find something.
In this case, I think that SIOCGIFMTU is actually missing from netintro(4).
:!mcr!: | Network and security consulting/contract programming
Michael Richardson | I do IPsec policy code for SSH <>
Personal: PGP key available.