Subject: Re: Why does mode_t need 32 bits?
To: None <>
From: Gordon W. Ross <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/30/1997 12:22:22
> From: (Christos Zoulas)
> Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:43:49 -0500

> On Oct 30, 11:40am, ("Gordon W. Ross") wrote:
> -- Subject: Re: Why does mode_t need 32 bits?
> | 
> | I'm still confused.  Why does lint care about this?
> Because it is much easier to deal with integral types being passed
> to library functions rather than promotion cases.
> christos

It looks to me like we should have fixed lint so it knows
about such type promotions (or can be told about them).
Changing the system to satisfy a lame tool is bogus.