Subject: Re: pcmcia power management hooks for com device (was Re: NetBSD master CVS tree commits)
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: None <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/08/1997 14:30:44
Jason Thorpe <> writes:
> Firstly, you need to make sure there is a call to pcmcia_function_disable()
> at the end of com_pcmcia_attach().
> Then, you need a pcmcia_function_enable() on first open, and
> a pcmcia_function_disable() in the close routine (the close is called
> on the _last_ close of the device).
> Also, you need a check at the top of the hardware interrupt routine
> that the device is enabled ... if not, you need to return "not my interrupt",
> else you'll lose when you attempt to read the hardware registers :-)
Hmm. I agree it works usual case (and actually worked). But how can
we do if com device was open during suspension (actually it still
hanged after resume:-)? Enabling power after resume is different