Subject: Re: TCP/IP problem in 1.2
To: None <is@Beverly.Rhein.DE>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/21/1997 11:16:34
On Sat, Sep 20, 1997 at 11:59:54AM +0000, is@Beverly.Rhein.DE wrote:
> : I think windows uses something over 1500 bytes as MTU so increasing the MTU
> : for the PPP line may be you're only options (besides hacking the kernel
> : to ignore the DF flag ...).
> Is this true?
It is. Even a big Finnish bank didn't know this and some of their
customers weren't able to use their WWW pages - until some kind soul
(on these lists) explained me how to read the tcpdump output and I
complained the bank about their bug. My win95 machine has the same
problem - it can't talk to the world very well because it insists on
sending 1500 byte packets with Don't Fragment flag set to true, Sick,
sick, sick..
1503 kHz @ 21:30 EET DST Mon-Fri
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