Subject: Re: Sources for NetBSD-current
To: Markus Baeurle <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/13/1996 17:17:39
I think it was on current-users that the notice went out the sup
sources will be switched over as of the Sunday night (well, Monday
morning, really) supscan. If you're using current, you really should
be subscribed to current-users.

If the -current sources were made available just before a release,
they'd have to be available as a separate sup, since the pre-release
stuff has to be available for debugging.


Curt Sampson		Info at
Internet Portal Services, Inc.	
Vancouver, BC   (604) 257-9400		De gustibus, aut bene aut nihil.

On Sun, 13 Oct 1996, Markus Baeurle wrote:

> Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 23:47:57 +0200
> From: Markus Baeurle <>
> To: tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG
> Subject: Sources for NetBSD-current
> Hello!
> I hope there's somebody on this list who can help me, although this may not be
> the ideal list for my question.
> I wrote to but this doesn't seem to exist any more. My message
> to wasn't answered yet.
> When will it be possible to sup the sources for NetBSD-current again? NetBSD
> 1.2 is out since more than a week now, but I still get the sources for 1.2 when
> I try to sup NetBSD-current. :-(((
> I think it's not a good thing anyway that the sources of current are not
> available during the bug fixing stage for a release.
> I haven't seen the changes to NetBSD/arm32 for more than three months now and
> a lot has changed since then. :-(
> Markus Baeurle