Subject: Re: VPS mailing list, BSD interest?
To: Darren Reed <>
From: matthew green <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/02/1996 23:29:18
   |                  |  LVM    |     |
   |       disks      +---+-----+ CCD |
   |                      |           |
   |    hd* sd* xd*       +-----------+
   |                                  |

i like this.  what we need to do is have ccd and lvm be
layers, with the disks being the bottom, the ccd being
next, lvm (or what ever, i don't like that name :-) and
then the file systems, with the ccd or lvm or

oh, and i'd actually add this layer as well:

   |             raw devices                     |
   +---------------------------------------+  r  |
   |   FFS/UFS/NTFS/LFS/VXFS/EXT2/...      |  a  |
   +-----------------+----------+----------+  w  |
   |                 |   LVM    |          |     |
   |       disks     +----+-----+   CCD    |  d  |
   |                      |                |  e  |
   |    hd* sd* xd*       +----------------+  v  |
   |                                       |  s  |
   +---------------------------------------+     |
   |   FFS/UFS/NTFS/LFS/VXFS/EXT2/...      |     |

that is, raw devices can be at any layer as well.  you
may want to get securelevel in on this of course, but
the access should be allowed.

   How the device names are organised should be immaterial, IMHO.

just as long as it is sane.  :-)

   (Well, except if you have FreeBSD 2.2 :-)

tell us netbsd people more ..?