Subject: Re: VPS mailing list, BSD interest?
To: Kevin P. Neal <>
From: Chris G Demetriou <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/02/1996 01:18:38
> The coolest would be the kernel sysloging messages like "spare bandwidth
> on controller Y, suggest moving data over there off of controller X."
> Or even for disks. Or even for virtual partitions. 

Uh, the state of the art in "cool" is actually beyond that already.

It's now into the realm of "ahh, i see you're use of this data is
different than your use of this other data, so i'm going to store them
differently."  See HP's AutoRaid work.  (For even more bizarre "cool,"
see AFRAID... "ahh, i see you want more performance and less
reliability for this data!  i will dynamically adjust!")
