Subject: Re: spl models and smp (was Re: Some interesting papers on BSD ...)
To: Gordon W. Ross <>
From: Michael Hancock <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/20/1996 18:56:12
On Thu, 19 Sep 1996, Gordon W. Ross wrote:

> > Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 10:59:37 +0900 (JST)
> > From: Michael Hancock <>
> > [Just going through some old mail]
> > 
> > I was reviewing some spl and locking models for SMP.  SVR4/MP combines
> > locking primitives with spl and Solaris is completely redesigned to the
> > implementation to use kernel threads instead for interrupts so it can use
> > the same locking model as the rest of the code. 
> Actually, I'm pretty sure that's not quite true.  Here is how it works.
> The relevant parts of the interface are:

You're right.  Solaris has Interrupt threads that can use the same
*synchonization* primitives as any other thread.  It blocks interrupts
in some cases when acquiring a mutex lock.

The interrupt handler raises the ipl and allocates a thread from the
interrupt thread pool and switches to it.

I guess ipl's are fairly expensive on Sparcs so not having to block
interrupts on sychronization objects makes up for the overhead of setting
up the interrupt threads.  Sychronization operations are more frequent
than interrupts.

Bruce Evans said that ipls on Intel are pretty cheap, I think they take
about half the clock cycles compared to Sparc.  So the wins might be
less significant on Intel.  Can any confirm this?

There's an article on this in the Apr. 95 Unix Review by Kleiman.


Mike Hancock

>   /* This is a mutex lock.  It MIGHT lock out interrupts. */
>   kmutex_t driver_mutex;
>   /* Somewhere, during initialization (attach) you do this: */
>   mutex_init(&driver_mutex, "mcos", MUTEX_DRIVER, (void*)&driver_ibcookie);
>   /* Then, a section that needs atomic actions is wrapped with: */
>   mutex_enter(&driver_mutex);
>   /* now have exclusive access to the object locked with this mutex. */
>   mutex_exit(&driver_mutex);
>   /* now others may take the mutex lock. */
> The way these block interrupts is: if the driver_ibcookie (which
> was returned to you when you attached your interrupt handler) is
> passed to mutex_init, rather than a null pointer, then anyone who
> does a mutex_enter() on that mutex will raise their spl as needed
> to block that interrupt, and then spin-wait.  The spin-wait will
> never have to actually spin unless there is another CPU that holds
> the mutex.  When we take the mutex from non-interrupt level, the
> mutex_enter() will have raised the spl() such that we don't have
> to worry about deadlocking against our own interrupt handler.
> Also note that Solaris no longer supports sleep/wakeup in MP drivers.
> Instead, you use these new functions:
>   /* Here is the equivalent to the old sleep() call: */
>   status = cv_timedwait_sig(&sp->condvar, &driver_mutex, abst);
>   /* Here is the equivalent to the old wakeup() call: */
>   cv_signal(&sp->condvar);
> Note that you MUST hold a mutex lock on some object that has both
> the mutex and a condition variable, adn the cv_timedwait_sig()
> does an atomic "block and release the mutex" while making you
> non-runnable, and later does an atomic "resume and take mutex."
> Interesting scheme, eh?
> Gordon

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