Subject: Re: Implementing poll(2)
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/17/1996 12:33:29
> I've written an implementation of the SVR4 system call poll(2), which
> I'll be committing `soon'. For the uneducated, poll(2) is similar to
> select(2), except that it uses an array of {fd,event mask} pairs
> rather than 3 bitmasks.
However one problem with poll is that the units are in milliseconds
(unlike microseconds like select). A way to workaround that is to
create a another poll-like function that uses a more precise timing
scheme. I'd suggest using timespec instead of a timeval (even though
a timeval is used by select) since timespec has the finest granularity.
Thus the syscall would really be pollts:
int pollts(struct pollfd *, int, struct timespec *);
and poll(2) would simply convert its argument of milliseconds into
a timespec and that in (or NULL if the argument was -1). (A polltv
could also be created which simply converts the timeval to a timespec
The kernel would then use timespec internally for select and poll.
Digital UNIX has poll and select (look in the freeback-hackers mailing
archives for a description of how both are implemented under Digital UNIX)
and I find poll to be superior for select in all respects except for the
timeout parameter. A pollts would solve that problem.
Thanks for adding poll(2) to NetBSD!
Matt Thomas Internet:
3am Software Foundry WWW URL:
Westford, MA Disclaimer: I disavow all knowledge of this message