Subject: Re: fdesc
To: None <tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/13/1996 22:59:27
In article <> (J.T. Conklin) writes:
>Considering the problems with /dev/{stdin,stdout,stderr,tty} and the
>fact that fdesc requires the union filesystem to be useful, I propose
>that it be changed to only supply /dev/fd/<filed-descriptor> and be
>mounted on /dev/fd.  At the moment, I can't think of any reason why
>the present behavior is benefitial.

Well, we could have the present behavior as an option... But I agree, 
if the stdin,stdout,stderr,tty don't work properly, we should get rid
of them from mount_fdesc.
