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There is discussion over on tech-pkg about changes to pkg_install, one
of which is breaking ftp/http by default and making people enable it.
It strikes me that this is inconsistent with TNF offering ftp/http for
obtaining software, and if there is a "this is not ok" position it
should be broadly applied.

So, what's the status and plan for ftp and http (non-TLS) being served
from, including CDN.  Is there a plan to discontinue, and a
timeframe?  Or is there no plan and it is expected to persist

Are there reasons it remains, in terms of it being useful to people who
can't use https?  Or is it simply "it's traditional, and if that's how
someone chooses to get bits we should be cooperative"?

I would not have questioned this, absent a proposal to break this
functionality in pkg_add by default.

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