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Re: [GSoC] Sysinst alternative interface

Hello Alexander,

thanks for your interest in the project.

Reading your description of the changes I wonder if you have looked at
sysinst (either code wise or from a user perspective) lately. There are
a lot of subtle things going on, like e.g. sysinst not asking for a CD
to install sets from if you booted from a CD that contains the proper
sets, or the install script upfront not asking for your terminal type
if you do not run on a serial console. And of course sysinst only
proceeds with the setup, if the full install procedure is clear, no
more questions need asking etc...

So some of the things you make sound like only the graphical version would
be expected to do, already happens. This is not meant to say you overlooked
something, or your suggestion is wrong - I only want to make sure you are
aware of the details, before you go on to design an overall software layout
and split between text based, graphical, and (unrelated to this SOC project)
unattended installer.


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