Subject: Re: instkernel?
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: tech-install
Date: 03/26/2000 09:27:54
On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, Simon Burge wrote:

> wrote:
> > I've noticed that some architectures provide:
> > 
> >   .../ARCH/installation/instkernel
> > 
> > in the release (for example NetBSD-1.4.2/alpha has this) while others
> > don't (notably, macppc, pmax).  I was wondering why.
> For pmax, the install kernel is in binary/kernel/install.gz.  There's
> no mention of a "installation/instkernel" in release(7), which is why
> I stuck the install kernel in the directory that contained "suitably
> named, gzipped kernels".
> If release(7) changes, so will I :-)

It's my fault--I broke with release and put the sysinstall-instkernel
in it's own directory for mac68k. I figured it's the equivalent of the
"floppies" kernels on i386 &c, except it would mislead many to put it
in "floppies", since mac68k can't boot from floppy. The "kernels"
directory also doesn't seem quite right--there's other stuff in there
on mac68k.

So now it's time to ask {forgiveness, permission}, and consider adding
"instkernel" to release(7). What do people think? "instkernel" is just
the name of the directory it's built in--can anyone think of a better
name, or better place, for it?