Subject: PowerPC
To: None <tech-install@NetBSD.ORG>
From: George Tavares <>
List: tech-install
Date: 03/27/1997 10:21:03
	I read that the NETBSD system work with Power PC. I found the 
directory to install NetBSD in MAC, but I have a PowerPC 601, and some 
PowerPC 604, and I want install NetBSD. I prefer install in 601. Are 
there support for it? What binary I get? The MAC binary will run? And to 
start install?
	I already install NetBSD in a ii386 successfully.

| George Tavares                          Ciencias da Computacao - UFSC |
| Fone:(048)331-7020                      E-mail: |
|                PGP key disponivel por finger |