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Re: NetBSD and root fs

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Marcin Jessa wrote:
How can I do the same on NetBSD? How can I tell it where to find the root fs?
My kernel config already has the options but it doesn't seem to be of help:

options         MEMORY_DISK_HOOKS
options         MEMORY_DISK_IS_ROOT     # force root on memory disk
options         MEMORY_DISK_SERVER=0    # no userspace memory disk support
options         MINIROOTSIZE=20480      # size of memory disk, in blocks

This looks good. What it does is reserve space in the kernel, where you can put a filesystem (ramdisk) with (I think) mdsetimage(8).

The full story is hidden in a (small) maze of Makefile(-fragment)s in src/distrib. Besides mdsetimage(8), makefs(8) may be interesting to look at. Maybe it's even possible with these two to get a working solution, I don't know.

If you want an example that builds a custom ramdisk, puts it into a kernel and makes a bootable floppy(set) + CD from it, have a look at g4u: Sources are at, instructions for rebuilding are at (Beware, I haven't tried this with latest -current sources; my whole g4u build tree went down in flames in a disk crash recently; whenever I go back to g4u development, I'll have to start with the above sources too. Let me know if there's something missing! :).

What I get on my soekris is it loads the kernel and stops, which IMO is becouse 
it cannot find the init binary:

NetBSD/i386 ffsv1 Primary Bootstrap

NetBSD/i386 BIOS Boot, Revision 3.1
(builds@build, Wed Dec  1 10:39:14 UTC 2004)
Memory: 639/64512 k
Press return to boot now, any other key for boot menu
booting hd0a:netbsd - starting in 0
open netbsd: No such file or directory

init? I'd say it doesn't find "netbsd" (== the kernel), so you don't get far enough to mount any root filesystem or start init or anything. Try interrupting the countdown, and try "ls" etc. to see what's on the disk (more help with "help").

For educational purpose, I recommend booting NetBSD on a "normal" PC once so you can see what the boot process should look. :) Also, I've found qemu ( a fantastic toy when playing with kernels on i386 (which the soekris basically is).

 - Hubert

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