Subject: Re: file creation decreases memory !
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: None <>
List: tech-embed
Date: 03/02/2004 14:25:50
Hi Jukka (or should I be saying moi -:)) )
(I happened to have been in finland for an year )

thanks for your reply,
I could guess all that, but why is netbsd in my case not free'ing up these
buffers when a new process is starting up and is asking for memory. ?
The only reason / difference I can think of is that there is no swap
partition on our board ..
do u know of any problem netbsd could have if swap is not created ?
we have just 2 partition 1 is our compact flash and other is a ffs based
memory based / ramdisk ..
as the reason given is out of swap ?

I am kinda new to netbsd so do u know if netbsd by default uses / assumes
some swap ? are we passing it some parameter unconsciously. ?
