Subject: Re: NetBSD cross compile from Win32?
To: None <>
From: Christos Dritsas <>
List: tech-embed
Date: 10/08/2002 10:25:11
  Good Day,

Searching through the archives of this list (January 30,2001) I came 
across the message below. Further reading showed promising responces to 
Andrew Gillham's post. I too am interested in building a cross compile 
environment for NetBSD/i386 on Windows/FreeBSD/Linux/etc... I'm curious 
if anyone has proceded with further development. If not are there any 
new thoughts on this subject? Maybe some articles or interesting reading 
is now available that someone could point me too? Any new information 
about this topic would be appreciated.

Thanks for your time,
Christos Dritsas

>Andrew Gillham <>
>What would it take to build a NetBSD/xxxx cross compile environment
>on Windows?  I managed to get make running under cygwin, and config
>mostly worked, but I didn't have a lot of success trying to get gcc
>to configure.
>The reason I'm posting this to tech-embed is that I think it would be
>nice to have a fairly easy to install/use toolchain that a Windows
>user can target NetBSD with.  While most people are willing to install
>NetBSD to host a cross compile environment, for embedded developers it
>would be nice to provide a Windows friendly system.
>This seems like it would be really nice, particularly for platforms like
>dreamcast, hpcsh, hpcmips, evbsh3, mpc8xx (soon?), and perhaps sibyte.
>So anyway, I'm just curious if anyone else is thinking about this.