Subject: Re: Moving from linux to NetBSD-i386
To: None <>
From: Scott Aaron Bamford <>
List: tech-embed
Date: 09/14/2002 21:24:34
On Sat, 14 Sep 2002 03:50:58 -0600 (MDT)
Rick Kelly <> wrote:

> Hubert Feyrer said:
> >It's a shell feature. Install the bash shell (which is the default /bin/sh
> >in Linux), or just use "set -E" in NetBSD's /bin/sh. (which should be the
> >default in 1.6 btw).
> Or just use /bin/ksh.
> set -o emacs
> or
> set -o vi
> Arrows keys for history on ksh work all the way back to NetBSD 1.4.1.

Though not in set -o vi mode, unless I've done something wrong, I always have to use hjkl in vi mode with NetBSDs ksh.

Please do correct me if I am wrong, it'd be nice to have the arrow keys in ksh/vimode.  They work find in /bin/sh's vi which is what I find myself using most of the time now days as a result.

> -- 
> Rick Kelly

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