Subject: Re: CVS commit: syssrc/sys/arch/powerpc
To: Matt Thomas <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: source-changes
Date: 10/30/2002 08:54:41
> That is a incorrect change.  child_return *MUST* stay in syscall.c.
> Please back that out.
> trap.c is specific to mpc6xx ppc whereas syscall.c is used for all ppc
> implementations.

Mmmm... We can move it back to syscall.c and ifndef MACH_SYSCALL it, but
that would not be very clean. Maybe the best way would be to have a
child_return.c just for it. Opinions?

BTW, this looks like a trap, I really expected code in powerpc/powerpc
to be shared by all PowerPC ports. Coulnd't it should be fixed?

I won't be able to fix it before a dozen of hours, so feel free to make
an appropriate fix in the meantime.

Emmanuel Dreyfus. En tant que serveur, Windows NT fait en moins bien=20
ce que UNIX fait depuis des ann=E9es avec une interface utilisateur=20
que seul un utilisateur d'UNIX est capable d'admirer.