Subject: re: CVS commit: syssrc/sys/arch/mac68k/conf
To: matthew green <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: source-changes
Date: 02/05/2002 19:44:43
On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, matthew green wrote:

>    - - Remove `options EXEC_ELF32' from the kernel config. You can't just
>        build an ELF kernel -- you need to update your toolchain, and then,
>        once you go ELF, it's not an option, so it needs to go in std.mac68k,
>        as on the other m68k ports.
> do ELF executables not work on mac68k a.out kernels?  if they do, then
> leaving this option in for now is worth while.

Apparently not. Something about alignment being different.

>    - - Comment out `options COMPAT_SUNOS'. This hasn't been reported to work
>        for a long time, so it's not very useful in GENERIC.
> do you mean it has been reported to not work, or there have been no
> reports of it being broken?  the latter would suggest removing it is
> a bad idea and the former would suggest it needs fixing..

It was broken the last time I tried it, with netscape 3 and some Sun
OS libraries someone put up for download. It may work for somebody. I
just don't think anyone's actually using it. A more useful default
might to enable COMPAT_SVR4 and COMPAT_LINUX. I did get a so-called
linux executable, which "file" said was SVR4, to run under ELF.  (The
kernel doesn't even build with those options under a.out -- there's an
open PR.)
