Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: source-changes
Date: 01/28/2001 13:16:53
[ On Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 19:57:15 ( +0900), wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc
> 	if the above is correct, and if i were you (with deep love to "host")
> 	i'd try talking to bind{,9}-workers again and again :-)
> 	they may have some particular reason to keep the old (or current
> 	BIND8/9) "host", they may not be aware of the new one, or whatever.

From what I can tell they've completely re-written 'host' for BIND-9
using the old one as a specification (just as almost all BIND-9 code is
rewritten).  They'd better have anyway since they took out the copyright
notices acknowledging the original authors of the ancient version!  :-)

> 	i love dig because it is not fancy, and takes every parameter
> 	from commandline (unlike nslookup).  hmm, wonderful world of
> 	personal preferences;-)

Then you'll be even more enamoured with the new 'host'.  It's a *real*
unix-style command-line tool with a much more natural syntax.

(and if you like the output format of the ancient 'host' you can mostly
mimic at least it's intent with '-v')

							Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <>      <robohack!woods>
Planix, Inc. <>; Secrets of the Weird <>