Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: Johnny C. Lam <>
List: source-changes
Date: 09/04/1999 09:43:13
Module Name:	pkgsrc
Committed By:	jlam
Date:		Sat Sep  4 16:43:13 UTC 1999

Update of /cvsroot/pkgsrc/graphics/ns-flash
In directory nb00:/tmp/cvs-serv25661

Log Message:
ns-flash-4.0.12 -- Macromedia Shockwave Flash Player plugin for Netscape.

Vendor Tag:	TNF
Release Tags:	pkgsc-base
N pkgsrc/graphics/ns-flash/Makefile
N pkgsrc/graphics/ns-flash/files/md5
N pkgsrc/graphics/ns-flash/pkg/COMMENT
N pkgsrc/graphics/ns-flash/pkg/DESCR
N pkgsrc/graphics/ns-flash/pkg/PLIST

No conflicts created by this import
's > certainly room to argue that LyX should be in `editors', or even in a > new `office' category, as has been suggested in the past (something I > personally favor, for what very little it's worth), but I'm not sure new > word processors should really go in `print'... so do we have any conclusions? The descriptions for the catergories in question are: editors: Editors - seems to contain programs like emacs, pico, vi, and similar editors. primarily text editors, but also has a binary editor or two. print: Desktop publishing. - has many programs that I wouldn't have called desktop publishing, but more printer oriented like ghostscript, ghostview, enscript, magicfilter, etc. But this is where Lyx and LaTex are. textproc: Text processing utilities (does not include desktop publishing). - has various text processing things, but nothing that looks like a word processor to me. in fact nothing that looks even like a text editor. actually, the closest we have to ted in the package system is Pathetic Writer which is part of siag which is in 'misc' (which doesn't seem like such a good place). Given all this I think I'm in favor of what Jim said which is make an 'office' catergory for such things as word processors and spread sheets. What do you guys think? -Dan