Subject: sun-lamp CVS commits
To: None <>
From: The Source of All Evil <source@NetBSD.ORG>
List: source-changes
Date: 03/23/1995 09:20:03
Thu Mar 23 09:16:45 EST 1995
Update of /a/cvsroot/src/sys/arch/mac68k/mac68k
In directory

Modified Files:
	via.c via.h 
Log Message:
Handle VIA2 (RBV?) better.  Speed up interrupt processing (which had a
negative impact on the ethernet timeouts).  This is still not correct,
but I am unsure what is correct.  We can, apparently, get a nubus
interrupt without any slots showing an interrupt condition.  Ick.  This
does not always happen before we apparently lose an interrupt, either
(see last (chronological) log message for if_ae.c).
Someone with a fresh set of eyes should probably look at this, but it's
cobbled together to (mostly) work.