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[src/trunk]: src/tests/usr.bin/indent tests/indent: test want_blank_before_lp...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 1024449:86d728b486ef
user:      rillig <>
date:      Sun Oct 24 15:44:13 2021 +0000

tests/indent: test want_blank_before_lparen


 tests/usr.bin/indent/token_lparen.c |  127 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diffs (138 lines):

diff -r d2206e4a7f67 -r 86d728b486ef tests/usr.bin/indent/token_lparen.c
--- a/tests/usr.bin/indent/token_lparen.c       Sun Oct 24 11:58:23 2021 +0000
+++ b/tests/usr.bin/indent/token_lparen.c       Sun Oct 24 15:44:13 2021 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: token_lparen.c,v 1.1 2021/10/18 22:30:34 rillig Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: token_lparen.c,v 1.2 2021/10/24 15:44:13 rillig Exp $ */
 /* $FreeBSD$ */
@@ -92,3 +92,128 @@
 #indent end
 #indent run-equals-input -di0
+ * Test want_blank_before_lparen for all possible token types.
+ */
+#indent input
+void cover_want_blank_before_lparen(void)
+       int newline = (3
+       );
+       int lparen_or_lbracket = a[(3)];
+       int rparen_or_rbracket = a[3](5);
+       +(unary_op);
+       (3) + (binary_op);
+       a++(postfix_op);        /* unlikely to be seen in practice */
+       cond ? (question) : (5);
+       switch (expr) {
+       case (case_label):;
+       }
+       a ? (3) : (colon);
+       ;(semicolon) = 3;
+       int lbrace[] = {(3)};
+       int rbrace_in_decl = {{3}(4)};  /* syntax error */
+       {}
+       (rbrace_in_stmt)();
+       int ident = func(3);
+       int ident = int(3);     /* syntax error in C, OK in C++ */
+       int comma = func(a, (3));
+       int comment = /* comment */ (3);
+       switch (expr) {}
+#define preprocessing
+       (preprocessing)();
+       (form_feed)();
+       int(*decl)(void);
+       for(;;);
+       do(keyword_do_else)=3;while(0);
+       if(cond)(if_expr)();
+       while(cond)(while_expr)();
+       for(;;)(for_exprs)();
+       (stmt);
+       (stmt_list);
+       if(cond);else(keyword_else)();
+       do(keyword_do);while(0);
+       // The following line Would generate 'Statement nesting error'.
+       // do stmt;(do_stmt());while(0);
+       if(cond)stmt;(if_expr_stmt)();
+       if(cond)stmt;else(if_expr_stmt_else());
+       str.(member);           /* syntax error */
+       L("string_prefix");
+       static (int)storage_class;      /* syntax error */
+       funcname(3);
+       typedef (type_def) new_type;
+       struct (keyword_struct_union_enum);     /* syntax error */
+#indent end
+#indent run -ldi0
+       int newline = (3
+       );
+       int lparen_or_lbracket = a[(3)];
+       int rparen_or_rbracket = a[3](5);
+       +(unary_op);
+       (3) + (binary_op);
+       a++ (postfix_op);       /* unlikely to be seen in practice */
+       cond ? (question) : (5);
+       switch (expr) {
+       case (case_label):;
+       }
+       a ? (3) : (colon);
+       ;
+       (semicolon) = 3;
+       int lbrace[] = {(3)};
+       int rbrace_in_decl = {{3} (4)}; /* syntax error */
+       {
+       }
+       (rbrace_in_stmt)();
+       int ident = func(3);
+       int ident = int (3);    /* syntax error in C, OK in C++ */
+       int comma = func(a, (3));
+       int comment = /* comment */ (3);
+       switch (expr) {
+       }
+#define preprocessing
+       (preprocessing)();
+       (form_feed)();
+       int (*decl)(void);
+       for (;;);
+       do
+               (keyword_do_else) = 3;
+       while (0);
+       if (cond)
+               (if_expr)();
+       while (cond)
+               (while_expr)();
+       for (;;)
+               (for_exprs)();
+       (stmt);
+       (stmt_list);
+       if (cond);
+       else
+               (keyword_else)();
+       do
+               (keyword_do);
+       while (0);
+       // The following line Would generate 'Statement nesting error'.
+       // do stmt;(do_stmt());while(0);
+       if (cond)
+               stmt;
+       (if_expr_stmt)();
+       if (cond)
+               stmt;
+       else
+               (if_expr_stmt_else());
+       str.(member);           /* syntax error */
+       L("string_prefix");
+       static (int)storage_class;      /* syntax error */
+       funcname(3);
+       typedef (type_def) new_type;
+       struct (keyword_struct_union_enum);     /* syntax error */
+#indent end

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