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[src/trunk]: src/distrib/sets Remove catman pages support

branches:  trunk
changeset: 978115:38d828266fe6
user:      kamil <>
date:      Mon Nov 09 01:05:51 2020 +0000

Remove catman pages support

No longer relevant after the MKCATPAGES removal.


 distrib/sets/comments                     |     66 -
 distrib/sets/deps                         |     67 -
 distrib/sets/descrs                       |    186 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/base/mi                |    218 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/comp/mi                |  15036 ++++++++++++++--------------
 distrib/sets/lists/games/mi               |    112 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/man/mi                 |   5482 +++++-----
 distrib/sets/lists/text/mi                |    118 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xbase/mi               |    268 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xcomp/mi               |   1704 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.alpha       |    106 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.amd64       |     84 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.amiga       |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.bebox       |     26 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.cats        |     62 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.dreamcast   |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.evbarm      |     24 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.evbmips     |     24 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.ews4800mips |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.hp300       |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.hpcarm      |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.hpcmips     |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.hpcsh       |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.hppa        |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.i386        |     92 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.ibmnws      |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.luna68k     |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.mac68k      |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.macppc      |     36 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.netwinder   |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.newsmips    |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.ofppc       |     34 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.prep        |     24 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.sgimips     |     26 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.shark       |     24 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.sparc       |     45 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.sparc64     |     41 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.sun3        |      4 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.vax         |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.x68k        |      4 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/md.zaurus      |     20 +-
 distrib/sets/lists/xserver/mi             |     10 +-
 42 files changed, 11947 insertions(+), 12276 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 26481 to 300 lines):

diff -r 391712a69d0d -r 38d828266fe6 distrib/sets/comments
--- a/distrib/sets/comments     Mon Nov 09 00:46:00 2020 +0000
+++ b/distrib/sets/comments     Mon Nov 09 01:05:51 2020 +0000
@@ -178,7 +178,6 @@
 base-util_locale-ja Japanese language support for standard utilities
 base-util_locale-sv Swedish language support for standard utilities
 comp-c-bin compilers and tools for the C programming language
-comp-c-catman formatted manual pages
 comp-c-include header files for the C programming language
 comp-c-lib static libraries and shared library links for the C programming language
 comp-c-lintlib data files for the lint(1) syntax checker
@@ -200,21 +199,17 @@
 comp-c_locale-sl Slovenian language locale support for development utilities
 comp-c_locale-sv Swedish language locale support for development utilities
 comp-cvs-bin utilities for CVS (Concurrent Version System)
-comp-cvs-catman formatted manual pages for the CVS version control system
 comp-cvs-man manual page source for the CVS version control system
 comp-cxx-bin compilers and tools for the C++ programming language
-comp-cxx-catman formatted manual pages for the C++ programming language
 comp-cxx-include header files for the C++ programming language
 comp-cxx-lib static libraries and shared library links for the C++ programming language
 comp-cxx-man manual pages source for the C++ programming language
 comp-cxx-piclib PIC libraries for C++ language shared library generation
 comp-cxx-proflib profiling libraries for the C++ programming language
 comp-debug-bin utilities for source code debugging
-comp-debug-catman formatted manual pages for debugging utilities
 comp-debug-man manual pages source for debugging utilities
 comp-debug-sbin utilities for kernel debugging
 comp-fortran-bin compilers and tools for the FORTRAN programming language
-comp-fortran-catman formatted manual pages for the FORTRAN programming language
 comp-fortran-lib static libraries and shared library links for the FORTRAN programming language
 comp-fortran-man manual pages source for the FORTRAN programming language
 comp-fortran-piclib PIC libraries for the FORTRAN language shared library generation
@@ -222,26 +217,21 @@
 comp-fortran-shlib shared libraries for the FORTRAN programming language
 comp-i18n-lib static libraries and shared library links for compiling applications with internationalisation support
 comp-ipf-include header files for the IPfilter C API
-comp-krb5-catman formatted manual pages for Kerberos V support
 comp-krb5-include header files for Kerberos V support
 comp-krb5-lib  libraries to support Kerberos V compilation
 comp-krb5-man  source manual pages for Kerberos V support 
 comp-krb5-proflib  profiling libraries for Kerberos V support 
-comp-krb5c-catman  pre-formatted manual pages for Kerberos V C support
 comp-objc-bin compilers and tools for the Objective C programming language
 comp-objc-lib static libraries and shared library links for the Objective C programming language
 comp-objc-piclib PIC libraries for Objective C language shared library generation
 comp-objc-proflib profiling libraries for the Objective C programming language
 comp-nis-include Headers for bulding NIS applications
-comp-sys-catman formatted manual pages for kernel programming
 comp-sys-man manual pages source for kernel programming
 comp-sys-shlib shared library support for basic i386 math and utility libs
-comp-sysutil-catman formatted manual pages for system utilities
 comp-sysutil-man manual pages source for system utilities
 comp-sysutil-root manual pages source for system utilities
 comp-sysutil-sbin system utilities
 comp-util-bin programming utilities
-comp-util-catman formatted manual pages for programming utilities
 comp-util-man manual pages source for programming utilities
 comp-util-sbin system development utilities
 comp-util-share reference files for programming utilities
@@ -303,132 +293,77 @@
 etc-util-etc configuration file for standard system utilities
 etc-x11-rc startup scripts for the X11 X Window System
 games-games-bin command line games
-games-games-catman formatted manual pages for command-line games
 games-games-man manual pages source for command-line games
 games-games-root data and score files for command line games
 games-games-share shared data files for command-line games
 games-utils-bin miscellaneous utilities from /usr/games
-games-utils-catman formatted manual pages for miscellaneous utilities from /usr/games
 games-utils-man manual pages source for miscellaneous utilities from /usr/games
 games-utils-share shared data files for miscellaneous utilities from /usr/games
-man-adosfs-catman formatted manual pages for AmigaDOS file system support
 man-adosfs-man manual pages source for AmigaDOS file system support
-man-amd-catman formatted manual pages for the amd(8) auto-mounting daemon
 man-amd-info texinfo documentation for the amd(8) auto-mounting daemon
 man-amd-man manual pages source for the amd(8) auto-mounting daemon
-man-audio-catman formatted manual pages for utilities for playing and recording audio
 man-audio-man manual pages source for utilities for playing and recording audio
-man-bind-catman formatted manual pages for the bind(8) domain name server daemon
 man-bind-man manual pages source for the bind(8) domain name server daemon
-man-bootserver-catman formatted manual pages for utilities to support remote booting of diskless workstations
 man-bootserver-man manual pages source for utilities to support remote booting of diskless workstations
-man-c-catman formatted manual pages for the C programming language
 man-c-info the GNU texinfo software
 man-c-man manual pages source for the C programming language
 man-computil-info texinfo documentation for compiler utilities
-man-cron-catman formatted manual pages for the cron(8) command scheduler
 man-cron-man manual pages source for the cron(8) command scheduler
-man-crypto-catman formatted manual pages for cryptographic utilities
 man-crypto-man manual pages source for cryptographic utilities
 man-cvs-info texinfo documentation for the CVS version control system
 man-cxx-info texinfo documentation for the C++ programming language
-man-debug-catman formatted manual pages for debugging utilities
 man-debug-info texinfo documentation for debugging utilities
 man-debug-man manual pages source for debugging utilities
-man-dhcpd-catman formatted manual pages for DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) server utilities
 man-dhcpd-man manual pages source for DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) server utilities
-man-efs-catman formatted manual pages for the Silicon Graphics efs file system support
 man-efs-man manual pages source for the Silicon Graphics efs file system support
-man-ext2fs-catman formatted manual pages for the Linux ext2fx file system support
 man-ext2fs-man manual pages source for the Linux ext2fx file system support
-man-filecorefs-catman formatted manual pages Acorn FileCore file system support
 man-filecorefs-man manual pages source Acorn FileCore file system support
 man-fortran-info texinfo documentation for the FORTRAN programming language
-man-games-catman formatted man pages for games
 man-games-man manual pages source for games
-man-gnats-catman formatted manual pages for the GNATS bug reported system
 man-gnats-info texinfo documentation for the GNATS bug reported system
 man-gnats-man manual pages source for the GNATS bug reported system
-man-groff-catman formatted manual pages for the groff documentation formatting utility
 man-groff-man manual pages source for the groff documentation formatting utility
-man-hesiod-catman formatted manual pages for the HESIOD network information system
 man-hesiod-man manual pages source for the HESIOD network information system
 man-info-share required file system structure for GNU texinfo documentation
-man-ipf-catman formatted manual pages for the IPfilter packet filtering software
 man-ipf-man manual pages source for the IPfilter packet filtering software
-man-krb5-catman formatted manual pages for the Kerberos V network authentication system
 man-krb5-info the GNU texinfo software
 man-krb5-man manual pages source for the Kerberos V network authentication system
-man-locale-catman formatted manual pages for locale support utilities
 man-locale-man manual pages source for locale support utilities
-man-lpr-catman formatted manual pages for printing support
 man-lpr-man manual pages source for printing support
-man-mail-catman formatted manual pages for mail utilities
 man-mail-man manual pages source for mail utilities
-man-mailwrapper-catman formatted manual pages for the mailwrapper(8) program for multiple mailer support
 man-mailwrapper-man manual pages source for the mailwrapper(8) program for multiple mailer support
-man-man-catman formatted manual pages for the utilities for viewing the online manual
 man-man-man manual pages source for the utilities for viewing the online manual
-man-miscfs-catman the GNU texinfo software
 man-miscfs-man manual pages sources for miscellaneous file system support
-man-net-catman formatted manual pages for networking support
 man-net-man manual pages source for networking support
-man-netutil-catman formatted manual pages for networking utilities
 man-netutil-man manual pages source for networking utilities
-man-nfsclient-catman formatted manual pages for NFS (network file system) client utilities
 man-nfsclient-man manual pages source for NFS (network file system) client utilities
-man-nfsserver-catman formatted manual pages for NFS (network file system) server utilities
 man-nfsserver-man manual pages source for NFS (network file system) server utilities
-man-nis-catman formatted manual pages for the NIS network information system utilities
 man-nis-man manual pages source for the NIS network information system utilities
-man-ntfs-catman formatted manual pages for the Windows NT file system support
 man-ntfs-man manual pages source for the Windows NT file system support
-man-ntp-catman formatted manual pages for the network time protocol utilities
 man-ntp-man manual pages source for the network time protocol utilities
-man-pf-catman formatted manual pages for the PF packet filter
 man-pf-man manual page source for the PF packet filter
-man-pkgutil-catman formatted manual pages for the package system utilities
 man-pkgutil-man manual pages source for the package system utilities
-man-postfix-catman formatted manual pages for the postfix mailer
 man-postfix-man manual pages source for the postfix mailer
-man-ppp-catman formatted manual pages for the ppp point-to-point connection protocol
 man-ppp-man manual pages source for the ppp point-to-point connection protocol
-man-rc-catman formatted manual pages for system startup scripts
 man-rc-man manual pages source for system startup scripts
-man-rcs-catman formatted manual pages for the rcs(1) revision control system
 man-rcs-man manual pages source for the rcs(1) revision control system
-man-reference-catman formatted manual pages for miscellaneous system- and non-system-related reference documents
 man-reference-man manual pages source for miscellaneous system- and non-system-related reference documents
-man-router-catman formatted manual pages for routing utilities
 man-router-man manual pages source for routing utilities
-man-secsh-catman formatted manual pages for the ssh(1) remote secure shell connection utility
 man-secsh-man manual pages source for the ssh(1) remote secure shell connection utility
-man-sendmail-catman formatted manual pages for the sendmail(8) mailer
 man-sendmail-man manual pages source for the sendmail(8) mailer
-man-shlib-catman formatted manual pages for shared library support
 man-shlib-man manual pages source for shared library support
-man-slip-catman formatted manual pages for SLIP (serial line IP) remote access protocol
 man-slip-man manual pages source for SLIP (serial line IP) remote access protocol
-man-smbfs-catman formatted manual pages for SMB filesystem
 man-smbfs-man source manual pages for SMB filesystem
-man-sup-catman formatted manual pages for the sup(8) software update protocol
 man-sup-man manual pages source for the sup(8) software update protocol
-man-sys-catman formatted manual pages for base operating system functionality
 man-sys-info the GNU texinfo software
 man-sys-man manual pages source for base operating system functionality
-man-sysutil-catman formatted manual pages for system utilities
 man-sysutil-man manual pages source for system utilities
-man-texinfo-catman formatted manual pages for texinfo utilities
 man-texinfo-info texinfo documentation for texinfo utilities
 man-texinfo-man source manual pages for texinfo utilities
-man-timed-catman formatted manual pages for the timed(8) network time daemon
 man-timed-man manual pages source for the timed(8) network time daemon
-man-tn3270-catman formatted manual pages for utilities for connecting to IBM VM/CMS systems
 man-tn3270-man manual pages source for utilities for connecting to IBM VM/CMS systems
-man-tpm-catman formated manual pages for the Trusted Platform Module utilities
 man-tpm-htmlman HTML documentation for the Trusted Platform Module utilities
 man-tpm-man documentation for the Trusted Platform Module utilities
-man-util-catman formatted manual pages for basic user utilities
 man-util-info the GNU texinfo software
 man-util-man manual pages source for basic user utilities
 misc-amd-examples example configuration files for automatically mount file systems
@@ -456,7 +391,6 @@
 misc-usd-doc the User's Supplementary Documents for BSD
 misc-util-htmldoc HTML documentation for miscellaneous utilities
 text-groff-bin the groff family of text formatters (nroff, troff, groff, and related utilities)
-text-groff-catman formatted manual pages for the groff family of text formatters
 text-groff-font fonts for the groff family of text formatters
 text-groff-man manual page source for the groff family of text formatters
 text-groff-share macros and data files for the groff family of text formatters
diff -r 391712a69d0d -r 38d828266fe6 distrib/sets/deps
--- a/distrib/sets/deps Mon Nov 09 00:46:00 2020 +0000
+++ b/distrib/sets/deps Mon Nov 09 01:05:51 2020 +0000
@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@
 base-util_locale-sv base-locale-sv
 base-x11-root base-sys-root
 comp-c-bin base-sys-usr
-comp-c-catman base-man-share
 comp-c-include base-objc-usr
 comp-c-lib base-sys-usr
 comp-c-lintlib base-c-usr
@@ -226,31 +225,25 @@
 comp-c_locale-zh_CN base-locale-zh
 comp-c_locale-zh_TW base-locale-zh
 comp-cvs-bin base-sys-usr
-comp-cvs-catman base-man-share
 comp-cvs-man base-man-share
 comp-cxx-bin base-sys-usr
-comp-cxx-catman base-man-share
 comp-cxx-include base-cxx-usr
 comp-cxx-lib base-sys-usr
 comp-cxx-man base-man-share
 comp-cxx-piclib base-sys-usr
 comp-cxx-proflib base-sys-usr
 comp-debug-bin base-sys-usr
-comp-debug-catman base-man-share
 comp-debug-man base-man-share
 comp-debug-sbin base-sys-usr
 comp-fortran-bin base-sys-usr
-comp-fortran-catman base-man-share
 comp-fortran-lib base-sys-usr
 comp-fortran-man base-man-share
 comp-fortran-proflib base-sys-usr
 comp-i18n-lib base-i18n-root
-comp-krb5-catman base-man-share
 comp-krb5-include base-c-usr
 comp-krb5-lib base-sys-usr
 comp-krb5-man base-man-share
 comp-krb5-proflib base-sys-usr
-comp-krb5c-catman base-man-share
 comp-nis-include comp-c-include
 comp-objc-bin base-sys-usr
 comp-objc-lib base-sys-usr
@@ -259,18 +252,14 @@
 comp-sendmail-include base-sendmail-usr
 comp-sendmail-lib base-sys-usr
 comp-sendmail-lintlib base-c-usr
-comp-sys-catman base-man-share
 comp-sys-man base-man-share
 comp-sys-root base-sys-root
-comp-sysutil-catman base-man-share
 comp-sysutil-man base-man-share
-comp-tpm-catman        base-man-share
 comp-tpm-htmlman       base-man-share
 comp-tpm-debug base-sys-usr
 comp-tpm-lib   base-sys-usr
 comp-tpm-man   base-man-share
 comp-util-bin base-sys-usr
-comp-util-catman base-man-share
 comp-util-man base-man-share
 comp-util-sbin base-sys-usr
 comp-util-share base-terminfo-share
@@ -331,136 +320,81 @@
 etc-util-etc base-sys-root
 etc-x11-rc base-sys-root
 games-games-bin base-games-usr
-games-games-catman base-man-share
 games-games-man base-man-share
 games-games-root base-games-root
 games-games-share base-games-share
 games-sys-root base-sys-root
 games-usd-doc base-usd-share
 games-utils-bin base-games-usr
-games-utils-catman base-man-share
 games-utils-man base-man-share
 games-utils-share base-games-share
-man-adosfs-catman base-man-share
 man-adosfs-man base-man-share
-man-amd-catman base-man-share
 man-amd-info base-texinfo-share
 man-amd-man base-man-share
-man-audio-catman base-man-share
 man-audio-man base-man-share
-man-bind-catman base-man-share
 man-bind-man base-man-share
-man-bootserver-catman base-man-share
 man-bootserver-man base-man-share
-man-c-catman base-man-share
 man-c-info base-texinfo-share
 man-c-man base-man-share
 man-computil-info base-texinfo-share
-man-cron-catman base-man-share
 man-cron-man base-man-share
-man-crypto-catman base-man-share
 man-crypto-man base-man-share
 man-cvs-info base-texinfo-share
-man-debug-catman base-man-share
 man-debug-info base-texinfo-share
 man-debug-man base-man-share

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