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[src/trunk]: src/sys/dev/ic DM9000 add register description

branches:  trunk
changeset: 970615:c724f97a400b
user:      nisimura <>
date:      Mon Mar 30 00:01:57 2020 +0000

DM9000 add register description


 sys/dev/ic/dm9000reg.h |  163 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diffs (232 lines):

diff -r 45e3c1c40378 -r c724f97a400b sys/dev/ic/dm9000reg.h
--- a/sys/dev/ic/dm9000reg.h    Sun Mar 29 23:16:52 2020 +0000
+++ b/sys/dev/ic/dm9000reg.h    Mon Mar 30 00:01:57 2020 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: dm9000reg.h,v 1.2 2012/01/28 08:29:55 nisimura Exp $   */
+/*     $NetBSD: dm9000reg.h,v 1.3 2020/03/30 00:01:57 nisimura Exp $   */
  * Copyright (c) 2009 Paul Fleischer
@@ -39,135 +39,134 @@
 #define DM9000_IOSIZE  4       /* XXX: Depends on the wiring of the address lines. */
 #define DM9000_NCR             0x00
-#define  DM9000_NCR_RST                (1 << 0)
+#define  DM9000_NCR_RST                (1<<0)  /* reset chip, self clear */
 #define  DM9000_NCR_LBK_MASK   (0x06)
 #define  DM9000_NCR_LBK_SHIFT  (1)
-#define  DM9000_NCR_LBK_MAC_INTERNAL ( 1 << DM9000_NCR_LBK_SHIFT )
-#define  DM9000_NCR_LBK_NORMAL ( 0 << DM9000_NCR_LBK_SHIFT)
-#define  DM9000_NCR_LBK_INT_PHY ( 2 << DM9000_NCR_LBK_SHIFT)
-#define  DM9000_NCR_FDX                (1 << 3)
-#define  DM9000_NCR_FCOL       (1 << 4)
-#define  DM9000_NCR_WAKEEN     (1 << 6)
-#define  DM9000_NCR_EXY_PHY    (1 << 7)
+#define  DM9000_NCR_LBK_NORMAL (0<<DM9000_NCR_LBK_SHIFT)
+#define  DM9000_NCR_LBK_INT_PHY (2<<DM9000_NCR_LBK_SHIFT)
+#define  DM9000_NCR_FDX                (1<<3)  /* activate PAUSE flow control */
+#define  DM9000_NCR_FCOL       (1<<4)
+#define  DM9000_NCR_WAKEEN     (1<<6)
+#define  DM9000_NCR_EXY_PHY    (1<<7)
 #define DM9000_NSR             0x01
-#define  DM9000_NSR_RXOV       (1 << 1)
-#define  DM9000_NSR_TX1END     (1 << 2)
-#define  DM9000_NSR_TX2END     (1 << 3)
-#define  DM9000_NSR_WAKEST     (1 << 5)
-#define  DM9000_NSR_LINKST     (1 << 6)
-#define  DM9000_NSR_SPEED      (1 << 7)
+#define  DM9000_NSR_RXOV       (1<<1)  /* receive overflow deteced */
+#define  DM9000_NSR_TX1END     (1<<2)  /* transmit 1 completed */
+#define  DM9000_NSR_TX2END     (1<<3)  /* transmit 2 completed */
+#define  DM9000_NSR_WAKEST     (1<<5)
+#define  DM9000_NSR_LINKST     (1<<6)  /* link up detected */
+#define  DM9000_NSR_SPEED      (1<<7)  /* 1: 100Mbps, 0: 10Mbps */
 #define DM9000_TCR             0x02
-#define  DM9000_TCR_TXREQ      (1 << 0)
-#define  DM9000_TCR_CRC_DIS1   (1 << 1)
-#define  DM9000_TCR_PAD_DIS1   (1 << 2)
-#define  DM9000_TCR_CRC_DIS2   (1 << 3)
-#define  DM9000_TCR_PAD_DIS2   (1 << 4)
-#define  DM9000_TCR_EXCECM     (1 << 5)
-#define  DM9000_TCR_TJDIS      (1 << 6)
-#define DM9000_TSR1            0x03
-#define DM9000_TSR2            0x04
+#define  DM9000_TCR_TXREQ      (1<<0)  /* request to start Tx, self clear */
+#define  DM9000_TCR_CRC_DIS1   (1<<1)
+#define  DM9000_TCR_PAD_DIS1   (1<<2)
+#define  DM9000_TCR_CRC_DIS2   (1<<3)
+#define  DM9000_TCR_PAD_DIS2   (1<<4)
+#define  DM9000_TCR_EXCECM     (1<<5)
+#define  DM9000_TCR_TJDIS      (1<<6)
+#define DM9000_TSR1            0x03    /* transmit completion status 1 */
+#define DM9000_TSR2            0x04    /* transmit completion status 2 */
 #define DM9000_RCR             0x05
-#define  DM9000_RCR_RXEN       (1 << 0)
-#define  DM9000_RCR_PRMSC      (1 << 1)
-#define  DM9000_RCR_RUNT       (1 << 2)
-#define  DM9000_RCR_ALL                (1 << 3)
-#define  DM9000_RCR_DIS_CRC    (1 << 4)
-#define  DM9000_RCR_DIS_LONG   (1 << 5)
-#define  DM9000_RCR_WTDIS      (1 << 6)
+#define  DM9000_RCR_RXEN       (1<<0)  /* activate Rx */
+#define  DM9000_RCR_PRMSC      (1<<1)  /* enable promisc mode */
+#define  DM9000_RCR_RUNT       (1<<2)  /* allow to receive runt frame */
+#define  DM9000_RCR_ALL                (1<<3)  /* accept all multicast */
+#define  DM9000_RCR_DIS_CRC    (1<<4)  /* drop bad CRC frame */
+#define  DM9000_RCR_DIS_LONG   (1<<5)  /* drop too long frame (>1522) */
+#define  DM9000_RCR_WTDIS      (1<<6)  /* disable Rx watchdog timer */
 #define DM9000_RSR             0x06
-#define  DM9000_RSR_FOE                (1<<0)
+#define  DM9000_RSR_FOE                (1<<0)  /* Rx FIFO overflow detected */
 #define  DM9000_RSR_CE         (1<<1)
 #define  DM9000_RSR_AE         (1<<2)
 #define  DM9000_RSR_PLE                (1<<3)
 #define  DM9000_RSR_RWTO       (1<<4)
 #define  DM9000_RSR_LCS                (1<<5)
-#define  DM9000_RSR_MF         (1<<6)
-#define  DM9000_RSR_RF         (1<<7)
+#define  DM9000_RSR_MF         (1<<6)  /* mcast/bcast frame received */
+#define  DM9000_RSR_RF         (1<<7)  /* runt frame received (<64 bytes) */
 #define DM9000_ROCR            0x07
 #define DM9000_BPTR            0x08
 #define DM9000_FCTR            0x09
 #define DM9000_FCR             0x0A
-#define  DM9000_FCR_FLCE       (1 << 0)
-#define  DM9000_FCR_RXPCS      (1 << 1)
-#define  DM9000_FCR_RXPS       (1 << 2)
-#define  DM9000_FCR_BKPM       (1 << 3)
-#define  DM9000_FCR_BKPA       (1 << 4)
-#define  DM9000_FCR_TXPEN      (1 << 5)
-#define  DM9000_FCR_TXPF       (1 << 6)
-#define  DM9000_FCR_TXP0       (1 << 7)
+#define  DM9000_FCR_FLCE       (1<<0)  /* flow control enable */
+#define  DM9000_FCR_RXPCS      (1<<1)  /* Rx PAUSE current status */
+#define  DM9000_FCR_RXPS       (1<<2)  /* Rx PAUSE status, read to clear */
+#define  DM9000_FCR_BKPM       (1<<3)
+#define  DM9000_FCR_BKPA       (1<<4)
+#define  DM9000_FCR_TXPEN      (1<<5)  /* force PAUSE/unPAUSE */
+#define  DM9000_FCR_TXPF       (1<<6)  /* Tx PAUSE packet (when full */
+#define  DM9000_FCR_TXP0       (1<<7)  /* Tx PAUSE packet (when empty) */
 #define DM9000_EPCR            0x0B
-#define  DM9000_EPCR_ERRE      (1 << 0)
-#define  DM9000_EPCR_ERPRW     (1 << 1)
-#define  DM9000_EPCR_ERPRR     (1 << 2)
-#define  DM9000_EPCR_EPOS_EEPROM (0 << 3)
-#define  DM9000_EPCR_EPOS_PHY    (1 << 3)
-#define  DM9000_EPCR_WEP       (1 << 4)
-#define  DM9000_EPCR_REEP      (1 << 5)
-#define DM9000_EPAR            0x0C
-#define  DM9000_EPAR_EROA_MASK 0x3F /* bits 0-5 */
-#define  DM9000_EPAR_INT_PHY   0x40 /* EPAR[7:6] = 01 for internal PHY */
-#define DM9000_EPDRL           0x0D
-#define DM9000_EPDRH           0x0E
+#define  DM9000_EPCR_ERRE      (1<<0)  /* operation in progress, busy bit */
+#define  DM9000_EPCR_ERPRW     (1<<1)  /* instruct to write */
+#define  DM9000_EPCR_ERPRR     (1<<2)  /* instruct to read */
+#define  DM9000_EPCR_EPOS_EEPROM (0<<3)        /* 1: PHY op, 0: EEPROM op */
+#define  DM9000_EPCR_EPOS_PHY    (1<<3)
+#define  DM9000_EPCR_WEP       (1<<4)
+#define  DM9000_EPCR_REEP      (1<<5)
+#define DM9000_EPAR            0x0C    /* 7:6 (!!) PHY id, 5:0 reg num */
+#define  DM9000_EPAR_EROA_MASK 0x3F    /* bits 0-5 */
+#define  DM9000_EPAR_INT_PHY   0x40    /* EPAR[7:6] = 01 for internal PHY */
+#define DM9000_EPDRL           0x0D    /* data 7:0 */
+#define DM9000_EPDRH           0x0E    /* data 15:8 */
 #define DM9000_WCR             0x0F
-#define DM9000_PAB0            0x10
+#define DM9000_PAB0            0x10    /* my station address 7:0 */
 #define DM9000_PAB1            0x11
 #define DM9000_PAB2            0x12
 #define DM9000_PAB3            0x13
 #define DM9000_PAB4            0x14
-#define DM9000_PAB5            0x15
+#define DM9000_PAB5            0x15    /* my station address 47:40 */
-#define DM9000_MAB0            0x16
+#define DM9000_MAB0            0x16    /* 64bit mcast hash filter 7:0 */
 #define DM9000_MAB1            0x17
 #define DM9000_MAB2            0x18
 #define DM9000_MAB3            0x19
 #define DM9000_MAB4            0x1A
 #define DM9000_MAB5            0x1B
 #define DM9000_MAB6            0x1C
-#define DM9000_MAB7            0x1D
+#define DM9000_MAB7            0x1D    /* 63:56, needs 0x80 to catch bcast */
 #define DM9000_GPCR            0x1E
-#define  DM9000_GPCR_GPIO0_OUT (1 << 0)
+#define  DM9000_GPCR_GPIO0_OUT (1<<0)
 #define DM9000_GPR             0x1F
-#define  DM9000_GPR_PHY_PWROFF (1 << 0)
+#define  DM9000_GPR_PHY_PWROFF (1<<0)  /* power down internal PHY */
 #define DM9000_TRPAL           0x22
 #define DM9000_TRPAH           0x23
-#define DM9000_RWPAL   0x24
-#define DM9000_RWPAH   0x25
+#define DM9000_RWPAL           0x24
+#define DM9000_RWPAH           0x25
-#define DM9000_VID0    0x28
-#define DM9000_VID1    0x29
-#define DM9000_PID0    0x2A
-#define DM9000_PID1    0x2B
+#define DM9000_VID0    0x28    /* vender ID 7:0 */
+#define DM9000_VID1    0x29    /* vender ID 15:8 */
+#define DM9000_PID0    0x2A    /* product ID 7:0 */
+#define DM9000_PID1    0x2B    /* product ID 15:8 */
 #define DM9000_CHIPR   0x2C
 #define DM9000_SMCR    0x2F
-#define DM9000_MRCMDX  0xF0
-#define DM9000_MRCMD   0xF2
+#define DM9000_MRCMDX  0xF0    /* "no increment"   read byte */
+#define DM9000_MRCMD   0xF2    /* "auto increment" read byte */
 #define DM9000_MRRL    0xF4
 #define DM9000_MRRH    0xF5
-#define DM9000_MWCMDX  0xF6
-#define DM9000_MWCMD   0xF8
+#define DM9000_MWCMDX  0xF6    /* "no increment"   write byte */
+#define DM9000_MWCMD   0xF8    /* "auto increment" write byte */
 #define DM9000_MWRL    0xFA
 #define DM9000_MWRH    0xFB
-#define DM9000_TXPLL   0xFC
-#define DM9000_TXPLH   0xFD
-#define DM9000_ISR     0xFE
+#define DM9000_TXPLL   0xFC    /* frame len 7:0 to transmit */
+#define DM9000_TXPLH   0xFD    /* frame len 15:8 to transmit */
+#define DM9000_ISR     0xFE    /* interrupt status report */
 #define  DM9000_IOMODE_MASK    0xC0
 #define  DM9000_IOMODE_SHIFT   6
-#define  DM9000_ISR_PRS                (1<<0)
-#define  DM9000_ISR_PTS                (1<<1)
+#define  DM9000_ISR_PRS                (1<<0)  /* receive completed */
+#define  DM9000_ISR_PTS                (1<<1)  /* transmit completed */
 #define  DM9000_ISR_ROS                (1<<2)
 #define  DM9000_ISR_ROOS       (1<<3)
-#define  DM9000_ISR_UNDERRUN   (1<<4)
-#define  DM9000_ISR_LNKCHNG    (1<<5)
+#define  DM9000_ISR_UNDERRUN   (1<<4)  /* Tx underrun detected */
+#define  DM9000_ISR_LNKCHNG    (1<<5)  /* link status change detected */
 #define DM9000_IMR     0xFF
 #define  DM9000_IMR_PRM        (1<<0)
 #define  DM9000_IMR_PTM        (1<<1)
 #define  DM9000_IMR_ROM        (1<<2)
 #define  DM9000_IMR_ROOM       (1<<3)
-#define  DM9000_IMR_PAR        (1<<7)
+#define  DM9000_IMR_PAR        (1<<7)  /* use 3/13K SRAM w/ auto wrap */
 #define DM9000_PHY_BMCR        0x00
 #define  DM9000_PHY_BMCR_COLL_TEST     (1<<7)
@@ -201,6 +200,6 @@
 #define  DM9000_PHY_ANAR_TX_FDX  (1<<8)
 #define DM9000_PHY_ANLPAR      0x05
 #define DM9000_PHY_ANER        0x06
-#define DM9000_PHY_DSCR        0x16
-#define DM9000_PHY_DSCSR       0x17
-#define DM9000_PHY_10BTCSR     0x18
+#define DM9000_PHY_DSCR        0x16    /* Davicom extention */
+#define DM9000_PHY_DSCSR       0x17    /* Davicom extention */
+#define DM9000_PHY_10BTCSR     0x18    /* Davicom extention */

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