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[src/trunk]: src/bin/sh Add lots of comments explaining what is happening in ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 975067:acc0c4fdc98a
user:      kre <>
date:      Thu Aug 20 23:03:17 2020 +0000

Add lots of comments explaining what is happening in here.

Also enhance some of the DEBUG mode trace output (nothing visible
in a normal shell build).

A couple of very minor code changes that no-one should ever notice
(eg: one less wait() call in the case that there is nothing pending).


 bin/sh/jobs.c |  160 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diffs (284 lines):

diff -r 54584e39b71b -r acc0c4fdc98a bin/sh/jobs.c
--- a/bin/sh/jobs.c     Thu Aug 20 23:03:08 2020 +0000
+++ b/bin/sh/jobs.c     Thu Aug 20 23:03:17 2020 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: jobs.c,v 1.107 2020/02/07 02:06:12 kre Exp $   */
+/*     $NetBSD: jobs.c,v 1.108 2020/08/20 23:03:17 kre Exp $   */
  * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 #if 0
 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)jobs.c     8.5 (Berkeley) 5/4/95";
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: jobs.c,v 1.107 2020/02/07 02:06:12 kre Exp $");
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: jobs.c,v 1.108 2020/08/20 23:03:17 kre Exp $");
 #endif /* not lint */
@@ -380,6 +380,18 @@
        for (e = i = 0; i < jp->nprocs; i++) {
+               /*
+                * Don't touch a process we already waited for and collected
+                * exit status, that pid may have been reused for something
+                * else - even another of our jobs
+                */
+               if (jp->ps[i].status != -1 && !WIFSTOPPED(jp->ps[i].status))
+                       continue;
+               /*
+                * Otherwise tell it to continue, if it worked, we're done
+                * (we signal the whole process group)
+                */
                if (killpg(jp->ps[i].pid, SIGCONT) != -1)
                if (e == 0 && errno != ESRCH)
@@ -387,6 +399,11 @@
        if (i >= jp->nprocs)
                error("Cannot continue job (%s)", strerror(e ? e : ESRCH));
+       /*
+        * Now change state of all stopped processes in the job to running
+        * If there were any, the job is now running as well.
+        */
        for (ps = jp->ps, i = jp->nprocs ; --i >= 0 ; ps++) {
                if (WIFSTOPPED(ps->status)) {
                        VTRACE(DBG_JOBS, (
@@ -570,10 +587,10 @@
        CTRACE(DBG_JOBS, ("showjobs(%x) called\n", mode));
-       /* If not even one one job changed, there is nothing to do */
-       gotpid = dowait(WSILENT, NULL, NULL);
-       while (dowait(WSILENT, NULL, NULL) > 0)
-               continue;
+       /*  Collect everything pending in the kernel */
+       if ((gotpid = dowait(WSILENT, NULL, NULL)) > 0)
+               while (dowait(WSILENT, NULL, NULL) > 0)
+                       continue;
 #ifdef JOBS
         * Check if we are not in our foreground group, and if not
@@ -813,19 +830,25 @@
                 * There is at least 1 job running, so we can
-                * safely wait() for something to exit.
+                * safely wait() (blocking) for something to exit.
                if (jp->state == JOBRUNNING) {
                        job = NULL;
                        if ((i = dowait(WBLOCK|WNOFREE, NULL, &job)) == -1)
                               return 128 + lastsig();
-                       if (job == NULL)        /* an interloper */
+                       /*
+                        * This happens if an interloper has died
+                        * (eg: a child of the executable that exec'd us)
+                        * Simply go back and start all over again
+                        * (this is rare).
+                        */ 
+                       if (job == NULL)
-                        * one of the job's processes exited,
-                        * but there are more
+                        * one of the reported job's processes exited,
+                        * but there are more still running, back for more
                        if (job->state == JOBRUNNING)
@@ -1314,7 +1337,17 @@
- * Wait for a process to terminate.
+ * Wait for a process (any process) to terminate.
+ *
+ * If "job" is given (not NULL), then its jobcontrol status (and mflag)
+ * are used to determine if we wait for stopping/continuing processes or
+ * only terminating ones, and the decision whether to report to stdout
+ * or not varies depending what happened, and whether the affected job
+ * is the one that was requested or not.
+ *
+ * If "changed" is not NULL, then the job which changed because a
+ * process terminated/stopped will be reported by setting *changed,
+ * if there is any such job, otherwise we set *changed = NULL.
@@ -1327,53 +1360,123 @@
        struct job *thisjob;
        int done;
        int stopped;
+       int err;
-       VTRACE(DBG_JOBS|DBG_PROCS, ("dowait(%x) called\n", flags));
+       VTRACE(DBG_JOBS|DBG_PROCS, ("dowait(%x) called for job %d%s\n",
+           flags, (job ? job-jobtab+1 : 0), changed ? " [report change]":""));
        if (changed != NULL)
                *changed = NULL;
+       /*
+        * First deal with the kernel, collect info on any (one) of our
+        * children that has changed state since we last asked.
+        * (loop if we're interrupted by a signal that we aren't processing)
+        */
        do {
+               err = 0;
                pid = waitproc(flags & WBLOCK, job, &status);
-               VTRACE(DBG_JOBS|DBG_PROCS, ("wait returns pid %d, status %#x\n",
-                   pid, status));
-       } while (pid == -1 && errno == EINTR && pendingsigs == 0);
+               if (pid == -1)
+                       err = errno;
+               VTRACE(DBG_JOBS|DBG_PROCS,
+                   ("wait returns pid %d (e:%d), status %#x (ps=%d)\n",
+                   pid, err, status, pendingsigs));
+       } while (pid == -1 && err == EINTR && pendingsigs == 0);
+       /*
+        * if nothing exited/stopped/..., we have nothing else to do
+        */
        if (pid <= 0)
                return pid;
+       /*
+        * Otherwise, try to find the process, somewhere in our job table
+        */
        thisjob = NULL;
        for (jp = jobtab ; jp < jobtab + njobs ; jp++) {
                if (jp->used) {
-                       done = 1;
-                       stopped = 1;
+                       /*
+                        * For each job that is in use (this is one)
+                        */
+                       done = 1;       /* assume it is finished */
+                       stopped = 1;    /* and has stopped */
+                       /*
+                        * Now scan all our child processes of the job
+                        */
                        for (sp = jp->ps ; sp < jp->ps + jp->nprocs ; sp++) {
                                if (sp->pid == -1)
+                               /*
+                                * If the process that changed is the one
+                                * we're looking at, and it was previously
+                                * running (-1) or was stopped (anything else
+                                * and it must have already finished earlier,
+                                * so cannot be the process that just changed)
+                                * then we update its status
+                                */
                                if (sp->pid == pid &&
                                  (sp->status==-1 || WIFSTOPPED(sp->status))) {
                                        VTRACE(DBG_JOBS | DBG_PROCS,
                        ("Job %d: changing status of proc %d from %#x to %#x\n",
                                                jp - jobtab + 1, pid,
                                                sp->status, status));
+                                       /*
+                                        * If the process continued,
+                                        * then update its status to running
+                                        * and mark the job running as well.
+                                        *
+                                        * If it was anything but running
+                                        * before, flag it as a change for
+                                        * reporting purposes later
+                                        */
                                        if (WIFCONTINUED(status)) {
                                                if (sp->status != -1)
                                                        jp->flags |= JOBCHANGED;
                                                sp->status = -1;
                                                jp->state = 0;
-                                       } else
+                                       } else {
+                                               /* otherwise update status */
                                                sp->status = status;
+                                       }
+                                       /*
+                                        * We now know the affected job
+                                        */
                                        thisjob = jp;
                                        if (changed != NULL)
                                                *changed = jp;
+                               /*
+                                * After any update that might have just
+                                * happened, if this process is running,
+                                * the job is not stopped, or if the process
+                                * simply stopped (not terminated) then the
+                                * job is certainly not completed (done).
+                                */
                                if (sp->status == -1)
                                        stopped = 0;
                                else if (WIFSTOPPED(sp->status))
                                        done = 0;
+                       /*
+                        * Once we have examined all processes for the
+                        * job, if we still show it as stopped, then...
+                        */
                        if (stopped) {          /* stopped or done */
+                               /*
+                                * it might be stopped, or finished, decide:
+                                */
                                int state = done ? JOBDONE : JOBSTOPPED;
+                               /*
+                                * If that wasn't the same as it was before
+                                * then update its state, and if it just
+                                * completed, make it be the current job (%%)
+                                */
                                if (jp->state != state) {
                                ("Job %d: changing state from %d to %d\n",
@@ -1388,6 +1491,15 @@
+       /*
+        * Now we have scanned all jobs.   If we found the job that
+        * the process that changed state belonged to (we occasionally
+        * fork processes without associating them with a job, when one
+        * of those finishes, we simply ignore it, the zombie has been
+        * cleaned up, which is all that matters) then we need to
+        * determine if we should say something about it to stdout
+        */
        if (thisjob &&
            (thisjob->state != JOBRUNNING || thisjob->flags & JOBCHANGED)) {
                int mode = 0;
@@ -1401,13 +1513,21 @@
                        showjob(out2, thisjob, mode);
                else {
-                           ("Not printing status, rootshell=%d, job=%p\n",
-                           rootshell, job));
+                           ("Not printing status for %p [%d], "
+                            "mode=%#x rootshell=%d, job=%p [%d]\n",
+                           thisjob, (thisjob ? (thisjob-jobtab+1) : 0),
+                           mode, rootshell, job, (job ? (job-jobtab+1) : 0)));
                        thisjob->flags |= JOBCHANGED;
+       /*
+        * Finally tell our caller that something happened (in general all
+        * anyone tests for is <= 0 (or >0) so the actual pid value here
+        * doesn't matter much, but we know it is >0 and we may as well
+        * give back something meaningful
+        */
        return pid;

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