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[src/netbsd-9]: src/distrib/miniroot Pull up following revision(s) (requested...

branches:  netbsd-9
changeset: 963522:e054919d8ef7
user:      martin <>
date:      Tue Jan 21 15:26:46 2020 +0000

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by kre in ticket #632):

        distrib/miniroot/install.sub: revision 1.52

The idiom

        set $whatever
        while [ $# - gt 10 ]; do shift 10; done
        eval echo \$$#

fails when $# turns out to be 10 (or any multiple), it would need
to be instead

        while [ $# -ge 10 ]; do shift 9; done

but there hasn't been a shell that cannot handle ${10} (etc) correctly
in a very long time, so let's just use that instead (properly quoted,
in case IFS happens to contain a digit for some bizarre reason).

We should also "set -f" / "set +f" (or better, restore the prev setting of -f)
around the "set $whatever" part, but if that was ever going to cause a problem
here, it would have already, so leave that for now.


 distrib/miniroot/install.sub |  8 +++-----
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diffs (30 lines):

diff -r 3939b069428d -r e054919d8ef7 distrib/miniroot/install.sub
--- a/distrib/miniroot/install.sub      Tue Jan 21 15:22:21 2020 +0000
+++ b/distrib/miniroot/install.sub      Tue Jan 21 15:26:46 2020 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#      $NetBSD: install.sub,v 2020/01/21 11:30:28 martin Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: install.sub,v 2020/01/21 15:26:46 martin Exp $
 # Copyright (c) 1996 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
 # All rights reserved.
@@ -114,8 +114,7 @@
        read _a; set -- $_a
        if [ "$1" = "" ]; then return; fi
-       while [ "$#" -gt 10 ]; do shift 10; done
-       eval echo \$$#
+       eval echo '"${'"$#"'}"'
 firstchar () {
@@ -135,8 +134,7 @@
        set -- $1
-       while [ "$#" -gt 10 ]; do shift 10; done
-       eval echo \$$#
+       eval echo '"${'"$#"'}"'
 dir_has_sets() {

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