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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/i386/stand/efiboot Sync the output of memmap comman...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 962708:2f2dc80bdcf5
user:      nonaka <>
date:      Mon Jul 29 11:33:07 2019 +0000

Sync the output of memmap command to the output of stand/efiboot mem command.


 sys/arch/i386/stand/efiboot/efimemory.c |  74 ++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diffs (110 lines):

diff -r 6fd9567d8289 -r 2f2dc80bdcf5 sys/arch/i386/stand/efiboot/efimemory.c
--- a/sys/arch/i386/stand/efiboot/efimemory.c   Mon Jul 29 11:28:51 2019 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/i386/stand/efiboot/efimemory.c   Mon Jul 29 11:33:07 2019 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: efimemory.c,v 1.7 2019/07/29 11:28:51 nonaka Exp $     */
+/*     $NetBSD: efimemory.c,v 1.8 2019/07/29 11:33:07 nonaka Exp $     */
  * Copyright (c) 2016 Kimihiro Nonaka <>
@@ -30,38 +30,22 @@
 #include <bootinfo.h>
-static const char *memtypes[] = {
-       "unknown",
-       "available",
-       "reserved",
-       "ACPI reclaimable",
-       "ACPI NVS",
-       "unusable",
-       "disabled",
-       "Persistent",
-       "undefined (8)",
-       "undefined (9)",
-       "undefined (10)",
-       "undefined (11)",
-       "Persistent (Legacy)"
-static const char *efimemtypes[] = {
-       "Reserved",
-       "LoaderCode",
-       "LoaderData",
-       "BootServicesCode",
-       "BootServicesData",
-       "RuntimeServicesCode",
-       "RuntimeServicesData",
-       "ConventionalMemory",
-       "UnusableMemory",
-       "ACPIReclaimMemory",
-       "ACPIMemoryNVS",
-       "MemoryMappedIO",
-       "MemoryMappedIOPortSpace",
-       "PalCode",
-       "PersistentMemory",
+static const char *efi_memory_type[] = {
+       [EfiReservedMemoryType]         = "Reserved Memory Type",
+       [EfiLoaderCode]                 = "Loader Code",
+       [EfiLoaderData]                 = "Loader Data",
+       [EfiBootServicesCode]           = "Boot Services Code",
+       [EfiBootServicesData]           = "Boot Services Data",
+       [EfiRuntimeServicesCode]        = "Runtime Services Code",
+       [EfiRuntimeServicesData]        = "Runtime Services Data",
+       [EfiConventionalMemory]         = "Conventional Memory",
+       [EfiUnusableMemory]             = "Unusable Memory",
+       [EfiACPIReclaimMemory]          = "ACPI Reclaim Memory",
+       [EfiACPIMemoryNVS]              = "ACPI Memory NVS",
+       [EfiMemoryMappedIO]             = "MMIO",
+       [EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace]    = "MMIO (Port Space)",
+       [EfiPalCode]                    = "Pal Code",
+       [EfiPersistentMemory]           = "Persistent Memory",
@@ -355,9 +339,8 @@
        EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *mdtop, *md, *next;
        UINTN i, NoEntries, MapKey, DescriptorSize;
        UINT32 DescriptorVersion;
-       char memstr[32], efimemstr[32];
-       int memtype;
-       UINTN cols, rows, row = 0;
+       char efimemstr[32];
+       UINTN cols, rows, row;
        status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->QueryMode, 4, ST->ConOut,
            ST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &cols, &rows);
@@ -371,24 +354,23 @@
        if (compact)
                efi_memory_compact_map(mdtop, &NoEntries, DescriptorSize);
+       printf("%-22s  %-16s  %-16s  %-16s\n", "Type", "Start", "End", "Attributes");
+       printf("----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------\n");
+       row = 2;
        for (i = 0, md = mdtop; i < NoEntries; i++, md = next) {
                next = NextMemoryDescriptor(md, DescriptorSize);
-               memtype = getmemtype(md);
-               if (memtype >= __arraycount(memtypes))
-                       snprintf(memstr, sizeof(memstr), "unknown (%d)",
-                           memtype);
-               if (md->Type >= __arraycount(efimemtypes))
+               if (md->Type >= __arraycount(efi_memory_type))
                        snprintf(efimemstr, sizeof(efimemstr), "unknown (%d)",
-               printf("%016" PRIxMAX "/%016" PRIxMAX ": %s [%s]\n",
+               printf("%-22s  %016" PRIxMAX "  %016" PRIxMAX "  %016" PRIxMAX "\n",
+                   md->Type >= __arraycount(efi_memory_type) ?
+                     efimemstr : efi_memory_type[md->Type],
                    (uintmax_t)md->PhysicalStart +
                      md->NumberOfPages * EFI_PAGE_SIZE - 1,
-                   memtype >= __arraycount(memtypes) ?
-                     memstr : memtypes[memtype],
-                   md->Type >= __arraycount(efimemtypes) ?
-                     efimemstr : efimemtypes[md->Type]);
+                   (uintmax_t)md->Attribute);
                if (++row >= rows) {
                        row = 0;

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