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[src/trunk]: src/lib/libcurses Added separate man pages for curses functions ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 538470:4474f20e9fa0
user:      blymn <>
date:      Mon Oct 21 13:55:07 2002 +0000

Added separate man pages for curses functions to provide better
documentation of the curses functions.


 lib/libcurses/curses.3            |  578 ++++++++++++-------------------------
 lib/libcurses/curses_add.3        |  113 +++++++
 lib/libcurses/curses_add.cat3     |   56 +++
 lib/libcurses/curses_addch.3      |  120 +++++++
 lib/libcurses/curses_addstr.3     |  158 ++++++++++
 lib/libcurses/curses_attributes.3 |  162 ++++++++++
 lib/libcurses/curses_background.3 |  116 +++++++
 lib/libcurses/curses_border.3     |  159 ++++++++++
 lib/libcurses/curses_clear.3      |  141 +++++++++
 9 files changed, 1218 insertions(+), 385 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1656 to 300 lines):

diff -r 3c256cd8cabd -r 4474f20e9fa0 lib/libcurses/curses.3
--- a/lib/libcurses/curses.3    Mon Oct 21 13:41:12 2002 +0000
+++ b/lib/libcurses/curses.3    Mon Oct 21 13:55:07 2002 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\"    $NetBSD: curses.3,v 1.40 2002/10/01 19:06:39 wiz Exp $
+.\"    $NetBSD: curses.3,v 1.41 2002/10/21 13:55:07 blymn Exp $
 .\" Copyright (c) 1985, 1991, 1993
 .\"    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 .Nm cc
 .Op Ar flags
 .Ar files
-.Fl lcurses ltermcap
+.Fl lcurses
 .Op Ar libraries
 These routines give the user a method of updating screens with reasonable
@@ -80,389 +80,197 @@
 .An Ken Arnold
 .Bl -column "subwin(win,lines,cols,begin_y,begin_x)"
-.It addch(ch)  add a character to
-.Em stdscr
-.It addstr(str)        add a string to
-.Em stdscr
-.It addnstr(str,len)   add no more than len chars of string to
-.Em stdscr
-.It assume_default_colors(f, b)        set default foreground and background colors
-.It attron(attribute)  turn on attribute modes
-.It attroff(attribute) turn off attribute modes
-.It attrset(attribute) set attribute modes
-.It beep()     sound the terminal bell
-.It bkgd(ch)   set background rendition for
-.Em stdscr
-and applies this rendition to
-.Em stdscr
-.It bkgdset(ch)        set background rendition for
-.Em stdscr
-.It border(ls,rs,ts,bs,tl,tr,bl,br)    draw a border around
-.Em stdscr
-.It box(win,vert,hor)  draw a box around a window
-.It can_change_colors()        check if terminal can change colors
-.It cbreak()   set cbreak mode
-.It clear()    clear
-.Em stdscr
-.It clearok(win,boolf) set clear flag for
-.Em win
-.It clrtobot() clear to bottom on
-.Em stdscr
-.It clrtoeol() clear to end of line on
-.Em stdscr
-.It color_content(c, r, g, b)  get rgb values of color
-.It copywin(srcwin, dstwin, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol, overlay)
- Copy rectangle from
-.Em srcwin
-.Em dstwin .
-If overlay is true then copy is nondestructive.
-.It curs_set(vis)      change cursor visibility, 0 is invisible, 1 is
-normal, 2 is high visibility.
-Returns previous value on success.
-.It delay_output(ms)   pause output for
-.Em ms
-milliseconds using terminal pad character.
-.It def_prog_mode()    define program (in curses) terminal modes
-.It def_shell_mode()   define shell (not in curses) terminal modes
-.It delch()    delete a character
-.It deleteln() delete a line
-.It delscreen(screen)  free all associated storage and destroy
-.Em screen .
-.It delwin(win)        delete
-.Em win
-.It derwin(win,lines,cols,begin_y,begin_x)\    create a subwindow
-relative to
-.Em win .
-.It doupdate() make current screen look like virtual screen
-.It dupwin(win)        duplicate
-.Em win
-.It echo()     set echo mode
-.It endwin()   end window modes
-.It erase()    erase
-.Em stdscr
-.It erasechar()        Return the terminal erase character
-.It flash()    flash the terminal screen
-.It flushinp() flush terminal input
-.It flushok(win,boolf) set flush-on-refresh flag for
-.Em win
-.It fullname(termbuf,name)     get full name from
-.Em termbuf
-.It getattrs(win)      get attributes for
-.Em win
-.It getbkgd(win)       get background rendition for
-.Em win
-.It getcap(name)       get terminal capability
-.Em name
-.It getch()    get a char through
-.Em stdscr
-.It getcury(win)       get current y position on
-.Em win
-.It getcurx(win)       get current x position on
-.Em win
-.It getbegy(win)       get start y position of
-.Em win
-.It getbegx(win)       get start x position of
-.Em win
-.It getmaxy(win)       get maximum y position on
-.Em win
-.It getmaxx(win)       get maximum x position on
-.Em win
-.It getnstr(str, len)  get a string of maximun len characters through
-.Em stdscr
-.It getpary(win)       get start y position of subwindow
-.Em win
-relative to parent.
-.It getparx(win)       get start x position of subwindow
-.Em win
-relative to parent.
-.It getparyx(win, y, x)        set y and x to position of subwindow
-.Em win
-relative to parent.
-.It getstr(str)        get a string through
-.Em stdscr
-.It gettmode() get tty modes
-.It getyx(win,y,x)     get (y,x) co-ordinates
-.It has_colors()       check if terminal has colors
-.It has_ic()   check if terminal has insert/delete character
-.It has_il()   check if terminal has insert/delete line
-.It hline(ch, count)   draw a horizontal line of character ch.
-.It idcok(win,boolf)   set insert/delete char flags for
-.Em win
-.It idlok(win,boolf)   set insert/deleteln flags for
-.Em win
-.It inch()     get char at current (y,x) co-ordinates
-.It inchnstr(chstr, n) get an array of characters from
-.Em stdscr
-.It inchstr(chstr)     get an array of characters from
-.Em stdscr
-.It innstr(str, n)     get a string of characters from
-.Em stdscr
-.It init_color(c, r, g, b)     set rgb values of color
-.It init_pair(p, f, b) set foreground and background colors of pair
-.It initscr()  initialize screens
-.It insch(c)   insert a char
-.It insdelln(n)        insert/delete n lines on
-.Em stdstr
-.It insertln() insert a line
-.It instr(str) get a string of characters from
-.Em stdscr
-.It intrflush(win,boolf)       set flush on interrupt terminal mode
-.It is_linetouched(win, line)  check if line has been modified since
-last refresh.
-.It is_wintouched(win) Check if window has been modified since last
-.It isendwin() check if endwin() or wrefresh() was called latest
-.It keypad(win,boolf)  set keypad flag for
-.Em win
-.It killchar() Return the terminal kill character.
-.It leaveok(win,boolf) set leave flag for
-.Em win
-.It longname(termbuf,name)     get long name from
-.Em termbuf
-.It meta(win,boolf)    turn terminal meta mode on and off.  Note
-.Em win
-is always ignored.
-.It move(y,x)  move to (y,x) on
-.Em stdscr
-.It mvcur(lasty,lastx,newy,newx)       actually move cursor
-.It mvderwin(win, y, x)                move window to (y,x) within parent window.
-.It mvgetnstr(str, len)        move to
-.Em y ,
-.Em x
-and get a string of maximun n characters through
-.Em stdscr
-.It mvgetstr(str, n)   move to
-.Em y ,
-.Em x
-and get a string through
-.Em stdscr
-.It mvhline(y, x, ch, count)   move to
-.Em y ,
-.Em x
-and draw a horizontal line of character
-.Em ch
-.Em count
-.It mvvline(y, x, ch, count)   move to
-.Em y ,
-.Em x
-and draw a vertical line of character
-.Em ch
-.Em count
-.It mvwgetnstr(str, len)       move to
-.Em y ,
-.Em x
-and get a string of maximun n characters through
-.Em win
-.It mvwgetstr(str, n)  move to
-.Em y ,
-.Em x
-and get a string through
-.Em win
-.It mvwhline(win, y, x, ch, count)     move to
-.Em y ,
-.Em x
-and draw a horizontal line of character
-.Em ch
-.Em count
-characters on window
-.Em win .
-.It mvwvline(win, y, x, ch, count)     move to
-.Em y ,
-.Em x
-and draw a vertical line of character
-.Em ch
-.Em count
-characters on window
-.Em win .
-.It napms(ms)  sleep for
-.Em ms
-.It newterm(type, outfd, infd)         Initialises the curses subsystem
-for a multi-terminal application.
-Type is the type of terminal, if this is NULL then $TERM is used.
-The infd and outfd are the input and output file streams.
-.It newwin(lines,cols,begin_y,begin_x)\        create a new window
-.It nl()       set newline mapping
-.It nocbreak() unset cbreak mode
-.It nodelay(win,boolf) unset blocking reads for
-.Em win
-.It noecho()   unset echo mode
-.It nonl()     unset newline mapping
-.It noraw()    unset raw mode
-.It notimeout(win, boolf)      unset infinite timeout on keypad assembly for
-.Em win
-.It overlay(win1,win2) overlay win1 on win2
-.It overwrite(win1,win2)       overwrite win1 on top of win2
-.It pair_content(p, r, g, b)   get foreground and
-background colors of pair
-.It printw(fmt,arg1,arg2,...)  printf on
-.Em stdscr
-.It raw()      set raw mode
-.It refresh()  make current screen look like
-.Em stdscr
-.It reset_prog_mode()  restore program (in curses) terminal modes
-.It reset_shell_mode() restore shell (not in curses) terminal modes
-.It resetty()  reset tty flags to stored value
-.It resizeterm(lines,cols)     resize the curses terminal, application must
-redraw the screen contents after this call
-.It savetty()  stored current tty flags
-.It scanw(fmt,arg1,arg2,...)   scanf through
-.Em stdscr
-.It scrl(n)    scroll
-.Em stdscr
-n lines
-.It scroll(win)        scroll
-.Em win
-one line
-.It scrollok(win,boolf)        set scroll flag for
-.Em win
-.It setscrreg(top, bottom)     set scrolling region on
-.Em stdscr
-.It set_term(screen)   sets the curses screen to the given one.
-Returns the previous screen.
-.It setterm(name)      set term variables for name
-.It standend() end standout mode
-.It standout() start standout mode
-.It start_color()      initialise color
-.It subwin(win,lines,cols,begin_y,begin_x)\    create a subwindow
-.It timeout(delay)     set blocking or non-blocking read for
-.Em stdscr
-.It touchline(win,y,sx,ex)     mark line
-.Em y
-.Em sx
-.Em sy
-as changed
-.It touchoverlap(win1,win2)    mark overlap of
-.Em win1
-.Em win2
-as changed
-.It touchwin(win)      \*(lqchange\*(rq all of
-.Em win
-.It unctrl(ch) printable version of
-.Em ch
-.It underend() end underscore mode
-.It underscore()       start underscore mode
-.It ungetch(ch)                Put character back onto input queue.
-.It untouchwin(win)    Make window appear not to have been modified.
-.It use_default_colors use terminal's default foreground and background colors
-.It vline(ch, count)   Draw a vertical line of character
-.Em ch .
-.It waddch(win,ch)     add char to
-.Em win

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