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[src/trunk]: src/usr.bin/config Sort definition/selection rules to clarify wh...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 332787:64abb8b962c5
user:      uebayasi <>
date:      Thu Oct 09 09:39:24 2014 +0000

Sort definition/selection rules to clarify which is which.


 usr.bin/config/gram.y |  285 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 341 to 300 lines):

diff -r 4b0db953e9f9 -r 64abb8b962c5 usr.bin/config/gram.y
--- a/usr.bin/config/gram.y     Thu Oct 09 07:43:55 2014 +0000
+++ b/usr.bin/config/gram.y     Thu Oct 09 09:39:24 2014 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: gram.y,v 1.40 2014/10/09 07:05:01 uebayasi Exp $       */
+/*     $NetBSD: gram.y,v 1.41 2014/10/09 09:39:24 uebayasi Exp $       */
  * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
@@ -307,46 +307,134 @@
 /* A single definition. */
-         file
-       | object
-       | device_major                  { do_devsw = 1; }
-       | prefix
-       | DEVCLASS WORD                 { (void)defattr($2, NULL, NULL, 1); }
-       | DEFFS deffses optdepend_list  { deffilesystem($2, $3); }
-       | DEFINE WORD interface_opt depend_list
-                                       { (void)defattr($2, $3, $4, 0); }
-       | DEFOPT optfile_opt defopts optdepend_list
-                                       { defoption($2, $3, $4); }
-       | DEFFLAG optfile_opt defopts optdepend_list
-                                       { defflag($2, $3, $4, 0); }
-       | OBSOLETE DEFFLAG optfile_opt defopts
-                                       { defflag($3, $4, NULL, 1); }
-       | DEFPARAM optfile_opt defopts optdepend_list
-                                       { defparam($2, $3, $4, 0); }
-       | OBSOLETE DEFPARAM optfile_opt defopts
-                                       { defparam($3, $4, NULL, 1); }
-       | DEVICE devbase interface_opt depend_list
-                                       { defdev($2, $3, $4, 0); }
-       | ATTACH devbase AT atlist devattach_opt depend_list
-                                       { defdevattach($5, $2, $4, $6); }
-       | MAXPARTITIONS NUMBER          { maxpartitions = $2.val; }
-                                   { setdefmaxusers($2.val, $3.val, $4.val); }
-       | MAKEOPTIONS condmkopt_list
-       /* interface_opt in DEFPSEUDO is for backwards compatibility */
-       | DEFPSEUDO devbase interface_opt depend_list
-                                       { defdev($2, $3, $4, 1); }
-       | DEFPSEUDODEV devbase interface_opt depend_list
-                                       { defdev($2, $3, $4, 2); }
-       | MAJOR '{' majorlist '}'
-       | VERSION NUMBER                { setversion($2.val); }
+         define_file
+       | define_object
+       | define_device_major
+       | define_prefix
+       | define_devclass
+       | define_filesystems
+       | define_attribute
+       | define_option
+       | define_flag
+       | define_obsolete_flag
+       | define_param
+       | define_obsolete_param
+       | define_device
+       | define_device_attachment
+       | define_maxpartitions
+       | define_maxusers
+       | define_makeoptions
+       | define_pseudo
+       | define_pseudodev
+       | define_major
+       | define_version
 /* source file: file foo/bar.c bar|baz needs-flag compile-with blah */
        XFILE filename fopts fflags rule        { addfile($2, $3, $4, $5); }
+/* object file: object zot.o foo|zot needs-flag */
+       XOBJECT filename fopts oflags   { addobject($2, $3, $4); }
+/* device major declaration */
+       DEVICE_MAJOR WORD device_major_char device_major_block fopts devnodes
+                                       {
+               adddevm($2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
+               do_devsw = 1;
+       }
+/* prefix delimiter */
+         PREFIX filename               { prefix_push($2); }
+       | PREFIX                        { prefix_pop(); }
+       DEVCLASS WORD                   { (void)defattr($2, NULL, NULL, 1); }
+       DEFFS deffses optdepend_list    { deffilesystem($2, $3); }
+       DEFINE WORD interface_opt depend_list
+                                       { (void)defattr($2, $3, $4, 0); }
+       DEFOPT optfile_opt defopts optdepend_list
+                                       { defoption($2, $3, $4); }
+       DEFFLAG optfile_opt defopts optdepend_list
+                                       { defflag($2, $3, $4, 0); }
+       OBSOLETE DEFFLAG optfile_opt defopts
+                                       { defflag($3, $4, NULL, 1); }
+       DEFPARAM optfile_opt defopts optdepend_list
+                                       { defparam($2, $3, $4, 0); }
+       OBSOLETE DEFPARAM optfile_opt defopts
+                                       { defparam($3, $4, NULL, 1); }
+       DEVICE devbase interface_opt depend_list
+                                       { defdev($2, $3, $4, 0); }
+       ATTACH devbase AT atlist devattach_opt depend_list
+                                       { defdevattach($5, $2, $4, $6); }
+       MAXPARTITIONS NUMBER            { maxpartitions = $2.val; }
+                                       { setdefmaxusers($2.val, $3.val, $4.val); }
+       MAKEOPTIONS condmkopt_list
+       /* interface_opt in DEFPSEUDO is for backwards compatibility */
+       DEFPSEUDO devbase interface_opt depend_list
+                                       { defdev($2, $3, $4, 1); }
+       DEFPSEUDODEV devbase interface_opt depend_list
+                                       { defdev($2, $3, $4, 2); }
+       MAJOR '{' majorlist '}'
+       VERSION NUMBER          { setversion($2.val); }
 /* file options: optional expression of conditions */
          /* empty */                   { $$ = NULL; }
@@ -371,11 +459,6 @@
        | COMPILE_WITH stringvalue      { $$ = $2; }
-/* object file: object zot.o foo|zot needs-flag */
-       XOBJECT filename fopts oflags   { addobject($2, $3, $4); }
 /* zero or more flags for an object file */
          /* empty */                   { $$ = 0; }
@@ -387,12 +470,6 @@
        NEEDS_FLAG                      { $$ = OI_NEEDSFLAG; }
-/* device major declaration */
-       DEVICE_MAJOR WORD device_major_char device_major_block fopts devnodes
-                                       { adddevm($2, $3, $4, $5, $6); }
 /* char 55 */
          /* empty */                   { $$ = -1; }
@@ -435,12 +512,6 @@
        LINKZERO                        { $$ = new_s("DEVNODE_FLAG_LINKZERO");}
-/* prefix delimiter */
-         PREFIX filename               { prefix_push($2); }
-       | PREFIX                        { prefix_pop(); }
 /* one or more file system names */
          deffs                         { $$ = new_n($1); }
@@ -613,32 +684,104 @@
          /* empty */
        | selections '\n'
        | selections selection '\n'     { wrap_continue(); }
-       | selections error '\n' { wrap_cleanup(); }
+       | selections error '\n'         { wrap_cleanup(); }
 /* One config item. */
-       | NO FILE_SYSTEM no_fs_list
-       | FILE_SYSTEM fs_list
-       | NO MAKEOPTIONS no_mkopt_list
-       | MAKEOPTIONS mkopt_list
-       | NO OPTIONS no_opt_list
-       | OPTIONS opt_list
-       | MAXUSERS NUMBER               { setmaxusers($2.val); }
-       | IDENT stringvalue             { setident($2); }
-       | NO IDENT                      { setident(NULL); }
-       | CONFIG conf root_spec sysparam_list
+       | select_no_filesystems
+       | select_filesystems
+       | select_no_makeoptions
+       | select_makeoptions
+       | select_no_options
+       | select_options
+       | select_maxusers
+       | select_ident
+       | select_no_ident
+       | select_config
+       | select_no_config
+       | select_no_pseudodev
+       | select_pseudodev
+       | select_pseudoroot
+       | select_no_device_instance_attachment
+       | select_no_device_attachment
+       | select_no_device_instance
+       | select_device_instance
+       NO FILE_SYSTEM no_fs_list
+       FILE_SYSTEM fs_list
+       NO MAKEOPTIONS no_mkopt_list
+       MAKEOPTIONS mkopt_list
+       NO OPTIONS no_opt_list
+       OPTIONS opt_list
+       MAXUSERS NUMBER                 { setmaxusers($2.val); }
+       IDENT stringvalue               { setident($2); }
+       NO IDENT                        { setident(NULL); }
+       CONFIG conf root_spec sysparam_list
                                        { addconf(&conf); }
-       | NO CONFIG WORD                { delconf($3); }
-       | NO PSEUDO_DEVICE WORD         { delpseudo($3); }
-       | PSEUDO_DEVICE WORD npseudo    { addpseudo($2, $3); }

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