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[src/trunk]: src/usr.bin/vmstat Use kern.pool for the live system.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 329913:f3f13996e33e
user:      joerg <>
date:      Fri Jun 13 19:10:01 2014 +0000

Use kern.pool for the live system.


 usr.bin/vmstat/vmstat.c |  213 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diffs (255 lines):

diff -r 208b22210d84 -r f3f13996e33e usr.bin/vmstat/vmstat.c
--- a/usr.bin/vmstat/vmstat.c   Fri Jun 13 19:09:07 2014 +0000
+++ b/usr.bin/vmstat/vmstat.c   Fri Jun 13 19:10:01 2014 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: vmstat.c,v 1.199 2014/06/03 21:56:30 joerg Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: vmstat.c,v 1.200 2014/06/13 19:10:01 joerg Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2007 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 #if 0
 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)vmstat.c   8.2 (Berkeley) 3/1/95";
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: vmstat.c,v 1.199 2014/06/03 21:56:30 joerg Exp $");
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: vmstat.c,v 1.200 2014/06/13 19:10:01 joerg Exp $");
 #endif /* not lint */
@@ -1354,6 +1354,147 @@
                    "Total", counttotal, counttotal / uptime);
+static void
+dopool_sysctl(int verbose, int wide)
+       uint64_t total, inuse, this_total, this_inuse;
+       struct {
+               uint64_t pt_nget;
+               uint64_t pt_nfail;
+               uint64_t pt_nput;
+               uint64_t pt_nout;
+               uint64_t pt_nitems;
+               uint64_t pt_npagealloc;
+               uint64_t pt_npagefree;
+               uint64_t pt_npages;
+       } pool_totals;
+       size_t i, len;
+       int name_len, ovflw;
+       struct pool_sysctl *pp, *data;
+       char in_use[8], avail[8], maxp[32];
+       data = asysctlbyname("kern.pool", &len);
+       if (data == NULL)
+               err(1, "failed to reead kern.pool");
+       total = inuse = 0;
+       len /= sizeof(*data);
+       (void)printf("Memory resource pool statistics\n");
+       (void)printf(
+           "%-*s%*s%*s%5s%*s%s%s%*s%*s%6s%s%6s%6s%6s%5s%s%s\n",
+           wide ? 16 : 11, "Name",
+           wide ? 6 : 5, "Size",
+           wide ? 12 : 9, "Requests",
+           "Fail",
+           wide ? 12 : 9, "Releases",
+           wide ? "  InUse" : "",
+           wide ? " Avail" : "",
+           wide ? 7 : 6, "Pgreq",
+           wide ? 7 : 6, "Pgrel",
+           "Npage",
+           wide ? " PageSz" : "",
+           "Hiwat",
+           "Minpg",
+           "Maxpg",
+           "Idle",
+           wide ? " Flags" : "",
+           wide ? "   Util" : "");
+       name_len = MIN((int)sizeof(pp->pr_wchan), wide ? 16 : 11);
+       for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+               pp = &data[i];
+               if (pp->pr_nget == 0 && !verbose)
+                       continue;
+               if (pp->pr_maxpages == UINT_MAX)
+                       (void)snprintf(maxp, sizeof(maxp), "inf");
+               else
+                       (void)snprintf(maxp, sizeof(maxp), "%" PRIu64,
+                           pp->pr_maxpages);
+               ovflw = 0;
+               PRWORD(ovflw, "%-*s", name_len, 0, pp->pr_wchan);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, wide ? 6 : 5, 1, pp->pr_size);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, wide ? 12 : 9, 1, pp->pr_nget);
+               pool_totals.pt_nget += pp->pr_nget;
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 5, 1, pp->pr_nfail);
+               pool_totals.pt_nfail += pp->pr_nfail;
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, wide ? 12 : 9, 1, pp->pr_nput);
+               pool_totals.pt_nput += pp->pr_nput;
+               if (wide) {
+                       PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 7, 1, pp->pr_nout);
+                       pool_totals.pt_nout += pp->pr_nout;
+               }
+               if (wide) {
+                       PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 6, 1, pp->pr_nitems);
+                       pool_totals.pt_nitems += pp->pr_nitems;
+               }
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, wide ? 7 : 6, 1, pp->pr_npagealloc);
+               pool_totals.pt_npagealloc += pp->pr_npagealloc;
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, wide ? 7 : 6, 1, pp->pr_npagefree);
+               pool_totals.pt_npagefree += pp->pr_npagefree;
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 6, 1, pp->pr_npages);
+               pool_totals.pt_npages += pp->pr_npages;
+               if (wide)
+                       PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 7, 1, pp->pr_pagesize);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 6, 1, pp->pr_hiwat);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 6, 1, pp->pr_minpages);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*s", 6, 1, maxp);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 5, 1, pp->pr_nidle);
+               if (wide)
+                       PRWORD(ovflw, " 0x%0*" PRIx64, 4, 1,
+                           pp->pr_flags);
+               this_inuse = pp->pr_nout * pp->pr_size;
+               this_total = pp->pr_npages * pp->pr_pagesize;
+               if (pp->pr_flags & PR_RECURSIVE) {
+                       /*
+                        * Don't count in-use memory, since it's part
+                        * of another pool and will be accounted for
+                        * there.
+                        */
+                       total += (this_total - this_inuse);
+               } else {
+                       inuse += this_inuse;
+                       total += this_total;
+               }
+               if (wide) {
+                       if (this_total == 0)
+                               (void)printf("   ---");
+                       else
+                               (void)printf(" %5.1f%%",
+                                   (100.0 * this_inuse) / this_total);
+               }
+               (void)printf("\n");
+       }
+       if (wide) {
+               snprintf(in_use, sizeof in_use, "%7"PRId64, pool_totals.pt_nout);
+               snprintf(avail, sizeof avail, "%6"PRId64, pool_totals.pt_nitems);
+       } else {
+               in_use[0] = '\0';
+               avail[0] = '\0';
+       }
+       (void)printf(
+           "%-*s%*s%*"PRId64"%5"PRId64"%*"PRId64"%s%s%*"PRId64"%*"PRId64"%6"PRId64"\n",
+           wide ? 16 : 11, "Totals",
+           wide ? 6 : 5, "",
+           wide ? 12 : 9, pool_totals.pt_nget,
+           pool_totals.pt_nfail,
+           wide ? 12 : 9, pool_totals.pt_nput,
+           in_use,
+           avail,
+           wide ? 7 : 6, pool_totals.pt_npagealloc,
+           wide ? 7 : 6, pool_totals.pt_npagefree,
+           pool_totals.pt_npages);
+       inuse /= KILO;
+       total /= KILO;
+       (void)printf(
+           "\nIn use %ldK, total allocated %ldK; utilization %.1f%%\n",
+           inuse, total, (100.0 * inuse) / total);
+       free(data);
 dopool(int verbose, int wide)
@@ -1377,6 +1518,9 @@
        struct pool_allocator pa;
        char name[32], maxp[32];
+       if (memf == NULL)
+               return dopool_sysctl(verbose, wide);
        memset(&pool_totals, 0, sizeof pool_totals);
        kread(namelist, X_POOLHEAD, &pool_head, sizeof(pool_head));
        addr = TAILQ_FIRST(&pool_head);
@@ -1503,6 +1647,68 @@
            inuse, total, (100.0 * inuse) / total);
+static void
+dopoolcache_sysctl(int verbose)
+       struct pool_sysctl *data, *pp;
+       size_t i, len;
+       bool first = true;
+       int ovflw;
+       uint64_t tot;
+       float p;
+       data = asysctlbyname("kern.pool", &len);
+       if (data == NULL)
+               err(1, "failed to reead kern.pool");
+       len /= sizeof(*data);
+       for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+               pp = &data[i];
+               if (pp->pr_cache_meta_size == 0)
+                       continue;
+               if (pp->pr_cache_nmiss_global == 0 && !verbose)
+                       continue;
+               if (first) {
+                       (void)printf("Pool cache statistics.\n");
+                       (void)printf("%-*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s\n",
+                           12, "Name",
+                           6, "Spin",
+                           6, "GrpSz",
+                           5, "Full",
+                           5, "Emty",
+                           10, "PoolLayer",
+                           11, "CacheLayer",
+                           6, "Hit%",
+                           12, "CpuLayer",
+                           6, "Hit%"
+                       );
+                       first = false;
+               }
+               ovflw = 0;
+               PRWORD(ovflw, "%-*s", MIN((int)sizeof(pp->pr_wchan), 13), 1,
+                   pp->pr_wchan);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 6, 1, pp->pr_cache_ncontended);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 6, 1, pp->pr_cache_meta_size);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 5, 1, pp->pr_cache_nfull);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 5, 1, pp->pr_cache_nempty);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 10, 1, pp->pr_cache_nmiss_global);
+               tot = pp->pr_cache_nhit_global + pp->pr_cache_nmiss_global;
+               p = pp->pr_cache_nhit_global * 100.0 / tot;
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 11, 1, tot);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*.1f", 6, 1, p);
+               tot = pp->pr_cache_nhit_pcpu + pp->pr_cache_nmiss_pcpu;
+               p = pp->pr_cache_nhit_pcpu * 100.0 / tot;
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*" PRIu64, 12, 1, tot);
+               PRWORD(ovflw, " %*.1f", 6, 1, p);
+               printf("\n");
+       }
 dopoolcache(int verbose)
@@ -1517,6 +1723,9 @@
        size_t i;
        double p;
+       if (memf == NULL)
+               return dopoolcache_sysctl(verbose);
        kread(namelist, X_POOLHEAD, &pool_head, sizeof(pool_head));
        addr = TAILQ_FIRST(&pool_head);

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