Subject: Re: 2 days from now
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: regional-nyc
Date: 07/07/2005 11:23:12
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Amitai Schlair <> wrote:
> Amitai Schlair said:
> > I have some information sessions and whatnot to take care of at
> > Columbia on and around July 5. That's a Tuesday. I'll endeavor to
> > stick around town for Thursday night. Hint, hint.
> I'm in town, and starting to get very, very thirsty. See you Thursday!

Rats.  I'm teaching on Thursdays this summer, starting tonight.  I
probably won't make it.


``Deepest mind in the galaxy, apparently, and you still express yourself
like a day-tripper with a dog-eared phrase book. 'I hope right you are.'
Break me a fucking give.'' -- Anthony Lane on Yoda in Star Wars III

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