Subject: Re: LinuxWorldExpoEtc?
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: regional-nyc
Date: 01/15/2004 16:30:43
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"Perry E. Metzger" <> wrote:
> Does NetBSD have a booth again? Or did we decide not to?

We don't:  all the .org pavillon booths were already taken very early
on, and a regular booth costs $4,500.  Wasabi did offer to cover 50% of
that, but it's still too expensive.

I plan on dropping off some of the flyers leftover from last year at
some tables (bsdmall, maybe).

Then there's the NYCBUG BoF on the 22nd (which I won't be able to
attend), but I'm afraid that's it.


I seem to be having this tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle.

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