Subject: Re: NYCBUG
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: regional-nyc
Date: 01/15/2004 15:23:05
>>>>> "rd" == Roland Dowdeswell <> writes:

    rd> I'll be there.  Same bat-time, same bat-place.

ok so this NYCBUG thing isn't changing our meeting place from DBA or
anything?  sorry i haven't been attending the subdued intoxicated
debauchery regularly.  I'm just, behind on so many things.

some day I think i can host installfests, if any BSD people actually
use them.  We have a lot of space in Brooklyn, and the walk/subway
from DBA is <30min i think.

We have parties here every first friday of the month for nyc2600, but
I think there's a growing consensus among people who live here that
it's wasteful that we're not using our space to foster anything
besides alcoholism.

Installfests seem kind of lame---i mean, who actually has trouble
_installing_ shit, and if someone can't install something themselves
won't they just uninstall it later after they realize they can't use
it?---it's just the default thing everyone seems to do.  but I want to
find _something_ useful we can do with our effort and facilities.

nyc2600 used to have prepared talks first, followed by excessive
drinking, but that part of 2600 seems to have died now.  

i dunno.  what would we talk about?  Maybe a lot of progress in this
project is about sitting alone and working on stuff, so relaxing by
drinking is really the only productive thing we can do in groups.

Only the Polytron reduces an entire mouse to a soup-like homogenate 
in 30 seconds.