Subject: Re: Visiting London
To: Adrian Portelli <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: regional-london
Date: 11/13/2006 22:13:18
On Mon, 13 Nov 2006, Adrian Portelli wrote:

>> OK, one vote for the Duke of York, Victoria St, then round the corner to
>> the Spaghetti House in Bressenden Place.
> That sounds fine to me unless someone wants to suggest something else ?

 	Works for me. Times?

 	btw - anyone want a T1500 - linux x86 based thin client,
 	32M IIRC, 2 serial, printer, keyboard, mouse, 2 usb,
 	100baseT, VGA, pcmcia and audio in/out ports. Steve Woodford
 	had a basic kernel up an running on them a while back.

 		David/absolute       -- No hype required --