Subject: [AsiaBSDCon] Announcing the USENIX AsiaBSDCon and its Request for Papers
To: , <>
From: Michael C. Wu <>
List: regional-jp
Date: 09/15/2003 20:05:28
[Please forward this to relevant Japanese and Korean mailing lists.]

Dear Recipients:

We are happy to announce that the USENIX AsiaBSDCon 2004 will take
place at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan between March 13 2004 and
March 15 2004.

We would like to invite all whom are interested in BSD and their
applications (including but not limited to: bioinformatics, scientific computing,
e-commerce, operating systems, etc.) to submit papers to the conference.
The RFP is at :

I am happy to say that we have a great set of invited speakers who will
discuss many topics of interest.  They will speak at the beautiful activity
center of Academia Sinica, the premier research institution of Taiwan.
( )

Traveling to Taiwan is considered inexpensive at USD$400-800 during that
time.  With limited space, the conference hotel is approximately USD$25 per single
room per night, with free wavelan access on campus.  For those that wish
to stay in downtown Taipei, we have arranged English-speaking hotels costing
from USD$30~USD$100 with convenient subway transportation.

There will be no registration fee for people who register early.  We also
provide food during the conference at no cost to those who register within the early
registration deadline.  However, we welcome any donations to enable us
to do more for the conference.  All proceeds not used will be used either
towards next year's conference or donated to independent BSD foundations.

Should we receive sufficient response, we will organize a touring trip of
some parts of Taiwan before or after the conference.  Hot springs, beautiful canyons,
towering mountains, brilliant nightlife, and white sandy beaches are all part of
Taiwan. (You can indicate your willingness to join such a trip as soon as the
registration system opens.)

We look forward to a great conference with your participation.

Michael C. Wu
Program Coordinator, USENIX AsiaBSDCon 2004