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Re: [PATCH] port/xen: map memory directly in privcmd PRIVCMD_MMAPBATCH

Le 25/06/2012 10:14, Roger Pau Monne a écrit :
Christoph Egger wrote:
On 06/15/12 15:57, Roger Pau Monne wrote:

Instead of mapping memory when a pagefault happens in the memory
region, map the memory directly on the pivcmd call (as Linux does).
This fixes the problem with Qemu upstream, that changes the location
of the pfns after calling xc_map_foreign_bulk.

Signed-off-by: Roger Pau Monne<roger.pau%citrix.com@localhost>
sys/arch/xen/xen/privcmd.c | 78 +++++++++++++++++++------------------------
  1 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

I tested this patch and works fine with me.
I'm not a committer, since I don't see any objections, could someone
commit this and send a backport request to NetBSD-6 please?
If noone steps up, I'll have a look this evening and commit it 
afterwards (+ pullup).

Jean-Yves Migeon

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