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Re: soekris 5501

Manuel Bouyer wrote:
On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 10:35:19PM -0500, matthew sporleder wrote:
Has anyone tried to good the soekris 5501 with xen?  I'd love to buy
one and split it two or three ways but the rumor is that the processor
isn't supported. (as in the soekris 45xx/48xx)

I noticed here:
that the geode lx was mentioned so I have some hope.
The important point is to know if it's an i686-class. If it's i486 or
i586, there's no hope.
The 45xx are 486-based. the 48xx and 55xx have a 586-class CPU
(from soekris.com), so it won't work.

It's 586 class.

John R. Shannon, CISSP

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