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Re: "Internal error" with 3.1.3 and HVM

Manuel Bouyer wrote:
On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 10:26:06AM -0700, John R. Shannon wrote:
Manuel Bouyer wrote:
On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 05:17:58AM -0700, John R. Shannon wrote:
xentools3-3.1.3nb1  Userland Tools for Xen
xenkernel3-3.1.3    Xen3 Kernel
xentools3-hvm-3.1.3nb1 Tools for Virtual Machine Extensions support in Xen

# xm create winXp
Using config file "./winXp".
Error: (1, 'Internal error', 'Could not deallocate guard page for HVM guest.\n (25 = Inappropriate ioctl for device)')
I fixed this in current yesterday. You need a very recent kernel, userland
(one which has /usr/include/xen/) and rebuild your tools.
I'll request a pullup for netbsd-4 soon.

I still get it with a kernel built from source update on
2008-02-18 14:00:02 UTC (around 3 hours ago). I rebuilt all my installed packages after updating the kernel. Userland is 4.99.52.
do you have /usr/include/xen/xenio*.h ? If not, you need to upgrade
userland, and rebuild the xentools* packages.

I do not have those .h files. I'll rebuild userland.

John R. Shannon

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