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Re: NetBSD/Xen How to - suggestions

Matthias Scheler wrote:
On 2 Feb 2008, at 12:17, Andreas Gustafsson wrote:
Also note that root filesystem must be "small", 20 GB is small while 100
GB isn't. For some unknown (to me) reasons boot will fail if your / is
too large.
Is there a PR about this?
This is a bug in Grub, not in NetBSD.

The best way solution is IMHO to tecah NetBSD second stage boot loader to load
the Xen hypervisor. Does anybody know what changes would be necessary?

    Kind regards

That'd be great, to avoid grub altogether but in the event that never happens or it's too difficult, hopefully when grub2 matures it will be usable in this scenario. At the least it's in develoment, whereas the existing grub is unmaintained.
Has anyone played with grub2?


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