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Re: xen and pms resets

On Saturday 09 June 2007 02:00, Jed Davis wrote:
> Jed Davis <jdev%panix.com@localhost> writes:
> > mlelstv%serpens.de@localhost (Michael van Elst) writes:
> >> When running XFree86 I get regular (about every minute)
> >> pms0 resets and sometimes pckbport command timeouts.
> >>
> >> Does anyone else see the same?
> >
> > I get the latter occasionally, but the situation is different: there's
> > usually a hang during autoconf[*], and pressing a key unsticks it, and
> > also sometimes gives the timeout message.
> Also, this seems to occur either before or after probing my USB
> trackball, for what it's worth.

I noticed the same after I upgraded my XEN to 3.1.0 and kernel to 4.99.20
I need to press a key to make it proceed. This happens when probing my USB 
It worked fined with the former XEN version.

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