Subject: rebooting a domU
To: None <>
From: Jonathan A. Kollasch <>
List: port-xen
Date: 02/21/2007 18:31:11
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
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I've got a 4.99.4 dom0, with xenkernel30-3.0.3.=20
When I 'shutdown -r now' in a 3.1 domU, or
'xm reboot foo' in the dom0, the domain doesn't come back.

In xend.log:

[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] INFO (XendDomainInfo:892) Doma=
in has shutdown: name=3Dweb-vhost-0 id=3D17 reason=3Dreboot.
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1457) Xe=
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:190) Xen=
dDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 17], ['uuid', '23eddb63-0442-816b-a=
880-628204bc6988'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_weight', 1.0], [=
'memory', 128], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 128], ['features', ''], ['=
name', 'web-vhost-0'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart']=
, ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/local/3.1/netbs=
d-XEN3_DOMU.gz']]], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-brid=
ge'], ['bridge', 'bridge0'], ['mac', '00:13:10:6c:b3:02']]], ['device', ['v=
bd', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'xbd0d:disk'], ['uname', 'file:/lacol/web-vhos=
t-0_slash.img'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['backend', 0], ['dev'=
, 'xbd1d:disk'], ['uname', 'file:/lacol/web-vhost-0_local.img'], ['mode', '=
w']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'xbd2d:disk'], ['uname', =
'file:/lacol/web-vhost-0_vice.img'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '---s--'], =
['shutdown_reason', 'reboot'], ['cpu_time', 5.8140563309999997], ['online_v=
cpus', 1], ['up_time', '529.956332922'], ['start_time', '1172103688.38'], [=
'store_mfn', 63238], ['console_mfn', 63237]])
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:296) par=
seConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 17], ['uuid', '23eddb63-0442-816b-=
a880-628204bc6988'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_weight', 1.0], =
['memory', 128], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 128], ['features', ''], [=
'name', 'web-vhost-0'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'=
], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/local/3.1/netb=
sd-XEN3_DOMU.gz']]], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bri=
dge'], ['bridge', 'bridge0'], ['mac', '00:13:10:6c:b3:02']]], ['device', ['=
vbd', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'xbd0d:disk'], ['uname', 'file:/lacol/web-vho=
st-0_slash.img'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['backend', 0], ['dev=
', 'xbd1d:disk'], ['uname', 'file:/lacol/web-vhost-0_local.img'], ['mode', =
'w']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'xbd2d:disk'], ['uname',=
 'file:/lacol/web-vhost-0_vice.img'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '---s--'],=
 ['shutdown_reason', 'reboot'], ['cpu_time', 5.8140563309999997], ['online_=
vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '529.956332922'], ['start_time', '1172103688.38'], =
['store_mfn', 63238], ['console_mfn', 63237]]
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:395) par=
seConfig: result is {'shadow_memory': 0, 'uuid': '23eddb63-0442-816b-a880-6=
28204bc6988', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'localtime': N=
one, 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/local/3.1/netbsd-XEN3_DOMU.gz']], 'on_=
poweroff': 'destroy', 'bootloader_args': None, 'cpus': None, 'name': 'web-v=
host-0', 'backend': [], 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu_weight': 1.0, 'features': '', 'vcp=
u_avail': 1, 'memory': 128, 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['sc=
ript', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'bridge0'], ['mac', '00:13:10:6c:b3:02']])=
, ('vbd', ['vbd', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'xbd0d:disk'], ['uname', 'file:/l=
acol/web-vhost-0_slash.img'], ['mode', 'w']]), ('vbd', ['vbd', ['backend', =
0], ['dev', 'xbd1d:disk'], ['uname', 'file:/lacol/web-vhost-0_local.img'], =
['mode', 'w']]), ('vbd', ['vbd', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'xbd2d:disk'], ['u=
name', 'file:/lacol/web-vhost-0_vice.img'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader':=
 None, 'cpu': None, 'maxmem': 128}
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1253) Xe=
ndDomainInfo.construct: None
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1285) Xe=
ndDomainInfo.initDomain: 18 1.0
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend 98] DEBUG (balloon:133) Balloon: 35732 KiB free; =
120252 to scrub; need 131072; retries: 20.
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] ERROR (XendDomainInfo:202) Dom=
ain construction failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", l=
ine 195, in create
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", l=
ine 1335, in initDomain + shadow)
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", line 136=
, in free
    dom0_alloc =3D get_dom0_current_alloc()
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", line 71,=
 in get_dom0_current_alloc
    kb =3D _get_proc_balloon(labels['current'])
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", line 54,=
 in _get_proc_balloon
    f =3D file(PROC_XEN_BALLOON, 'r')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/kern/xen/balloon'
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1449) Xe=
ndDomainInfo.destroy: domid=3D18
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1457) Xe=
[2007-02-22 00:30:18 xend.XendDomainInfo 98] ERROR (XendDomainInfo:1696) Fa=
iled to restart domain 17.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", l=
ine 1682, in restart
    new_dom =3D XendDomain.instance().domain_create(config)
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", line =
228, in domain_create
    dominfo =3D XendDomainInfo.create(config)
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", l=
ine 195, in create
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", l=
ine 1335, in initDomain + shadow)
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", line 136=
, in free
    dom0_alloc =3D get_dom0_current_alloc()
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", line 71,=
 in get_dom0_current_alloc
    kb =3D _get_proc_balloon(labels['current'])
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", line 54,=
 in _get_proc_balloon
    f =3D file(PROC_XEN_BALLOON, 'r')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/kern/xen/balloon'

	Jonathan Kollasch

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Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (NetBSD)

